Rock is a Lady's Modesty anime based on Hiroshi Fukuda's rock-music-drama manga series and has been confirmed for production. This was announced by the official staff on Monday, July 22, 2024. According to the announcement, the series is set to premiere in 2025. A new X handle has been opened for the series to share a congratulatory illustration and comment from the original author.
Fukuda-san launched the "rock music youth drama" manga in Hakusensha's Young Animal magazine in October 2022. Four Tankobon volumes have been published thus far, with the fifth volume scheduled to be released on July 29, 2024. No details regarding the production studio in charge of the anime adaptation have been revealed yet.
Rock is a Lady's Modesty anime premieres in 2025
On Monday, July 22, 2024, the official X account for Hakusensha's Young Animal magazine posted a tweet to confirm that Hiroshi Fukuda's Rock is a Lady's Modesty (Rock wa Lady no Tashinamideshite) manga is receiving a television anime adaptation in 2025.
Along with this announcement, the official staff of Young Animal magazine's X account (@YoungAnimalHaku) has shared a congratulatory comment and illustration from the mangaka.
The visual includes the phrase, "Congratulations on the anime adaptation!!" (translated into English from Japanese), and features Ririsa and Otoha from the manga series. Later, an X account was opened for the anime to share the visual.
The special comment from Hiroshi Fukuda in Japanese, when translated into English, reads as follows:
"This time, the manga about gorgeous young ladies playing passionate and intense rock music! 'Rock is a Lady's Hobby' is going to be made into an anime! I'm excited to see what kind of performance they'll give of their instrumental rock without vocals! I hope you'll all look forward to it!"
Unfortunately, as of this writing, no details regarding Rock is a Lady's Modesty anime's cast and staff, production studio, or a narrower release date have been disclosed. However, the official staff has revealed that further information regarding the anime will be updated on the official X account, @rocklady_info.
The plot of Rock is a Lady's Modesty anime
Rock is a Lady's Modesty anime that will follow the manga series written and illustrated by Hiroshi Fukuda, the author renowned for the Mushibugyo series. As per the manga, the story is set in an all-girls school where young girls from all over the nation gather.
Ririsa Suzunomiya loves guitar and rock music more than anything else. However, after becoming the daughter of a real-estate tycoon due to her mother's remarriage, she decides to give up her dream and passion of playing the instrument to act like a rich young lady.
Yet, one day, she meets Otoha Kurogane, a highly skilled drummer at the school, and her passion for rock music and guitar is rekindled. As such, the Rock is a Lady's Modesty anime that will capture a beautiful narrative embedded with youth drama and music.
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