On Thursday, July 25, 2024, VIZ Media confirmed the production of Rooster Fighter anime in collaboration with Hero's Inc, during its stage event at San Diego Comic-Con. Along with this announcement, a teaser promotional video and a visual have been shared. The company has also revealed details regarding the anime's production studio and main staff.
Rooster Fighter anime serves as an adaptation of Shu Sakuratani's eponymous "Chicken Battle Action" manga. Sakuratani-san launched the manga on Hero Inc's Complex manga site in December 2020. The company published the manga's seventh volume on January 29, 2024. VIZ Media publishes the manga in English.
Rooster Fighter anime gets green-lit for production at San Diego Comic-con
On Thursday, July 25, 2024, a panel was held for VIz Media at the San Diego Comic-Con, where the company green-lit the production of Rooster Fighter anime (based on Shu Sakuratani's manga) in collaboration with Hero's Inc.
Following the announcement, the official YouTube channel of VIZ Media shared a teaser promotional video for the TV anime series, featuring the iconic moments from the manga in animated form. The short clip teases the anime's intriguing plot, and highlights the chickens engaged in battle against "demon beasts."
Moreover, the official X account for the anime has also unveiled a teaser visual, featuring Keiji and Chik, the main characters from Sakuratani's manga. The illustration depicts the duo in a fierce state, ready to defeat their opponents.
Additionally, Shu Sakuratani has shared a celebratory illustration with comments on his official X account (@shu_Sakuratani). The visual features Keiji, Chik, Elizabeth, and other characters. The author's comments are here as follows:
"'Rooster Fighter' will be made into an anime!!!!!!, Finally, I can let you know this great news. My long-cherished dream has come true. It's all thanks to everyone who supported me. Thank you so much."
Notably, Adult Swim will air the anime in Japan, and VIZ Media will announce the other streaming partners in the future. Details regarding the main staff for the Rooster Fighter anime have arrived.
Daisuke Suzuki directs the series at SANZIGEN Studios, and Hiroshi Seko handles the series composition. Joseph Chou and Sola Entertainment are in charge of producing the series. No information on the anime's cast was revealed during the stage event.
About the Rooster Fighter anime
Rooster Figther anime will follow the narrative from Shu Sakuratani's manga. The story follows Keiji, who is more than just an ordinary rooster.
Interestingly, he's humanity's greatest defender, protecting the people against fearsome demonic entities.
While his opponents are humongous in stature compared to him, Keiji's stout heart is bigger than anyone's. The anime will showcase Keiji's exploits as a hero.
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