Rurouni Kenshin, the popular manga series that debuted in 1994, is receiving an anime adaptation. Fans are delighted as the anime series also released a trailer, and the animation looks promising. Rurouni Kenshin is set to be released sometime in 2023, and all the episodes will be broadcast on the Noitamina block of Fuji TV. This announcement was made at the Aniplex fest, an online event. Further details regarding the animated series will be announced as the year progresses.
The series also revealed a few staff members responsible for the series' animation. In addition to that, fans also have access to the key visuals for the anime adaptation, and the animation studio responsible for the adaptation has also been announced.
Let's take a look at the primary staff responsible for the anime adaptation, along with other details about the upcoming anime series.
Rurouni Kenshin cast and staff
The series announced the voice actors that will take on the roles of the protagonists in the series. Soma Saito will be lending his voice to Kenshin Himura. Soma Saito is a talented voice actor who has played roles like Lao Yen Tai in Banana Fish, Yuno in Black Clover, Julio in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, and Tadashi Yamaguchi in Haikyuu!!!
Rie Takahashi will be playing the role of Kaoru Kamiya from the series. She has had an impressive career as she has lent her voice to characters like Hiyori Shiina from Classroom of the Elite 2, Takagi-san from Teasing Master Takagi-san, Tsubasa Katsuki from Comic Girls, and Megumin from Konosuba - God's Blessing on this Wonderful World.
Hideyo Yamamoto has been roped in to direct the anime adaptation of Rurouni Kenshin at LIDENFILMS. He has directed series like Cells At Work! Code Black and Strike The Blood.
Terumi Nishii will be responsible for the character designs. He has been involved in the character design for titles like Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern, Penguindrum, and A Town Where You Live.
Hideyuki Kurata will be responsible for the series composition. He has worked on numerous anime series, such as Goblin Slayer, Made In Abyss, Oreimo, and Samurai Harem, to name a few.
The anime adaptation will feature music composed by Yu Takami, a talented individual who has composed pieces for series like Library Wars (live-action) and Rainbow - Nisha Rokubo no Shinchin.
Stay tuned for more updates on Rurouni Kenshin as 2022 progresses.