The Sand Land anime film adaptation of Akira Toriyama's manga of the same name is heading toward its release date on August 18, 2023. Amidst high anticipation and excitement, the official website for the anime film on Thursday, July 13, announced that the IMAX version of the film will be screened at 49 Theatres. The 4DX version is set to hit 63 theatres, and the MX4D version will be released at 15 theatres.
While the IMAX and 4DX version will be available on August 18, 2023, the MX4D version will be screened a week later, on August 25, 2023. Apart from this, a new movie poster featuring Beelzebub was also unveiled. Fans can hardly hold their excitement over this Sand Land anime movie adaptation of Akira Toriyama's manga.
A new poster of Sand Land anime has revealed that it will get IMAX, 4DX, and MX4D screenings
A new poster featuring one of the central characters, the pink devil, Beelzebub, against a clear blue sky, with scattered water droplets in the background, has also been unveiled. The poster also mentioned that the movie will be available for IMAX, 4DX, and MX4D screens, which will surely provide a fantastic experience to the audience.
According to the official site of the anime movie, the news has surfaced that both IMAX and 4DX versions of the Sand Land anime movie will be screened simultaneously on the film's release date, which is August 18, 2023. The MX4D version will release on August 25, 2023.
As stated before, 49 theatres will screen the IMAX version, whereas, for the 4DX version, 63 theatres have been selected. Furthermore, the MX4D version will surely provide fans with a more immersive movie experience and will get 15 theatres.
Toshihisa Yokoshima will direct the Sand Man anime movie adaptation. Hayashi Mori will handle the screenplay. In the music department, Yugo Kanno will provide his signature tunes. Additionally, Anima, Kamikaze Douga, and Sunrise studios are in charge of the animation production for the anime film.
Several renowned voice actors have also been selected for this film. Mutsumi Tamura, known as the voice actor of Kakashi from Naruto, will lend her voice to Beelzebub. Akio Otsuka, Chafurin, and Kazuhiro Yamaji will voice Satan, King, and Sherrif Rao, respectively. Mabanua, who earned critical acclamation for Megalo Box OSTs, will oversee the theme song arrangement.
About Akira Toriyama's Sand Land
Known for his seminal work, Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama's manga Sand Land is another series he has worked on. The manga series ran from May 9, 2000, to August 8, 2000, and 14 chapters were collected in a single Tankobon volume, which was published in November 2000. A colored version of the manga will also be serialized starting August 4, 2023, in Shueisha's Saikyo Jump Magazine.
The manga's plot is set in a mysterious desert where monsters and human beings coexist. It is a desolate, dreary, and barren desert where a greedy king controls the water supply. The Devil Prince Beelzebub joins a strange trio, Sherrif Rao and a thief, to set off on an adventure to find the 'Phantom Spring.' However, they would have to face off against the King's army before they can reach their destination.
Be sure to follow for more anime manga and anime news as 2023 progresses.