On March 24, 2024, the second day of Anime Japan 2024, Sasaki and Peeps season 2 was announced to be in production. To commemorate the announcement, the illustrator of the source of this series, Kantoku, drew an illustration. No specific release date or window was revealed during the event.
Sasaki and Peeps started airing in January 2024, during the Winter Anime Season, and finished on March 22, 2024. Season 1 was animated by the animation studio Silver Link and produced by seven companies, including Crunchyroll and Kadokawa. A special event for this franchise is set to be held on July 6, 2024, where more information about Sasaki and Peeps season 2 could be unveiled.
Sasaki and Peeps season 2 announced
The illustration released by Kadokawa to commemorate the announcement of Sasaki and Peeps season 2 featured the main and supporting characters: Sasaki, Pii-chan, Magical Pink, Otonari, and Elsa. The anime series started airing on January 5, 2024, with a one-hour special episode, and ended on March 22, 2024, with its 12th episode.
The anime series is based on a light novel series of the same name, written by Buncololi and illustrated by Kantoku. Kantoku is also the artist for the famous light novel series A Sister's All You Need.
The anime series' casting included some talented voice actors, with Pii-chan voiced by Yuuki Aoi (Maomao from Apothecary Diaries), Sasaki voiced by Tomokazu Sugita (Rudeus from Mushoku Tensei), Otonari voiced by Akira Kitou (Nezuki from Demon Slayer), Hoshizaki voiced by Rie Takahashi (Megumi from Konosuba), Magical Pink voiced by Inori Minase (Rem from Re: Zero), and many others.
The anime series was directed by Mirai Minato (famous for his role as director for BOFURI). Deko Agao, who also wrote the story for a manga series, wrote the scripts for this anime. Osamu Sasaki (famous for his music in Ragna Crimson) provided the music for the series.
A summary of Sasaski and Peeps
The anime is an adventure-comedy series centered around the middle-aged Sasaki, who is tired of his 9-to-5 job and craves some kind of distraction. In search of such a thing, he visits the nearest pet shop, looking for something that could help him forget about the world whenever he arrives home.
Fortunately, an adorable bird catches his eye, and he brings it home. He names his new roommate Pii-chan, and their happy life is about to start when Pii-chan is revealed as a sage from another world. This sage grants Sasaki supernatural powers and bestows him the ability to cross different worlds.
Sasaki tries his best to help as many people as possible using these powers. He also fights some villainous personalities, thus trying his best to establish peace in both worlds.
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