Sasuke Jinraiden is a spin-off series of Naruto that will explore Sasuke’s life, particularly the events that took place between chapters 401 and 402. Brenton, the artist responsible for the release, stated that he would release the manga on April 2, 2023.
The fanbase is quite excited for this spin-off series to be released since it will fill in certain gaps concerning the development that the original series failed to do so. Additionally, Sasuke Jinraiden will be a refreshing read since it will deal with Sasuke’s mental state during the transition of Hebi to Taka.
This series will be written and illustrated by Brenton, who is extremely popular within the Naruto community. He went also gave the fanbase some information on what they can expect when the spin-off series is done.
Sasuke Jinraiden excites the fanbase as it explores Sasuke’s mental state
Sasuke Jinraiden will explore the transition of team Hebi to Taka. Hebi was initially the team created by Sasuke with the sole intention of capturing his brother Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke’s hatred for his brother was unending since he was responsible for the death of his entire clan.
The team comprised Sasuke, Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin. They functioned well, respected each other, and risked their lives to save their comrades. Hebi was a tough team to beat. However, when Sasuke defeated his brother, he learned the truth behind the Uchiha massacre.
He decided to rename his team to Taka and plotted his vengeance against the Hidden Leaf Village. During this phase, fans can see Sasuke Uchiha descend into the depths of hatred which corrupted his mind.
Sasuke Jinraiden will explore the mental state he was in and understand how he dealt with it. The artist also mentioned that the fanbase can expect a ton of inner monologs which will most likely be the crux of the manga.
Sasuke’s hatred towards Danzo Shimura will also be highlighted, and the manga will feature some of his henchmen as well.
Brenton had stated that he wouldn’t want to contradict the canon story and therefore would add very few characters from the Naruto series to feature some action as well. Fans believe that this is a smart decision since the constant shift from Sasuke’s inner monologs and well-illustrated fight sequences would translate to good pacing.
The artist also provided updates on his other work, Sakura Hiden. He mentioned that he was close to finishing the project since typesetting was the only thing that needed to be done. Needless to say, fans are quite excited to read both the aforementioned series when they are released.
Stay tuned for more manga and anime updates as 2023 progresses.