On December 1, 2024, the anime adaptation of Gnosia, a popular game, was announced through a promotional trailer released on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. Scheduled to air in 2025, no other information about the anime was revealed at the time of publishing this article.
The anime adaptation is based on a visual novel social deduction role-playing a single-player game that showcases different routes according to the abilities of a player (just like a visual novel). The game was originally released on Playstation Vita in June 2019, but was later made available on different gaming consoles such as PlayStation 4 and 5, and the XBOX series X and S.
Gnosia anime adaptation set to air in 2025
The Aniplex promotional trailer commenced with narration, which sounded similar to the voice actor Akira Kitou (Nezuko from Demon Slayer). It was followed by strange visuals that looked like blueprints of humans. The trailer then showcased a female with blond hair (presumably the protagonist).
The promotional trailer ended with the depiction of the series title and the reveal of its release window, 2025. More information about the voice casting and the staff members would be released in the upcoming months. The series' source (video game) was developed by Petit Depotto, a four-person group.
Kotori, the game's original illustrator, released a celebratory illustration of the same blond girl shown in the promotional trailer. Moreover, Toru Kawakatsu, the creator and representative of the developer group, shared his thoughts on his work's anime adaptation.
The representative revealed that he would be deeply involved with the anime adaptation of his game as its producer. Moreover, he was also involved with the selection of the staff members, which would be unveiled in the future. He also advised the fans to look forward to the release of the Gnosia anime and watch it till the end for a proper experience.
Gnosia synopsis
The game is a suspense-drama werewolf game (similar to the popular game Among Us), featuring a story in the middle of space. Aboard a spaceship is the protagonist and some other characters who need to nominate one person from among themselves that could be a Gnosia (alien-like creature that could kill humanity).
However, this alien-like creature blends well among humans and even if it is caught, there is no way of identifying it. Moreover, there are chances that the protagonist might also be an alien-like monster who would then coordinate with the other monsters present on the ship to kill humans and take over.
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