Scott Pilgrim is a series of graphic novels written and illustrated by comic book artist Bryan Lee O'Malley. The series ran from 2004 to 2010, with six black-and-white volumes being released in this time period. The series follows the story of the titular protagonist Scott Pigrim, a part-time musician and slacker who lives in Ontario, Canada.
Netflix recently announced that the Scott Pilgrim anime is coming to the streaming platform, with its original cast reuniting once again to voice the beloved characters. The series will be animated by Science Saru and will look to carry forward Scott's bizarre adventures in an animated format.
Netflix has released a teaser trailer for the Scott Pilgrim animated series
The beloved franchise Scott Pilgrim consists of several memorable comics along with its own film and video game adaptations. With Michael Cera in the titular role, the film adaptation boasts a star-studded cast. The video game adaptation, on the other hand, was developed by Ubisoft for both the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.
Now, the franchise is all set to receive its very own Netflix animated series, which will see the cast of the film adaptation, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, reprise their roles once again as voice actors. The confirmed cast for the series includes:
- Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim
- Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers
- Brie Larson as Envy
- Chris Evans as Lucas Lee Adams
- Satya Bhabha as Matthew Patel
- Anna Kendrick as Stacey Pilgrim
- Alison Pill as Kim Pine
- Aubrey Plaza as Julie Powers
- Brandon Routh as Todd Ingram
- Jason Schwartzman as Gideon Graves
- Johnny Simmons as Young Neil
- Mark Webber as Stephen Stills
- Mae Whitman as Roxie
- Ellen Wong as Knives Chau
The buffet of celebrity voiceovers has increased the hype for the Netflix animated series, with fans convinced that it will deliver some good content. Additionally, they are hoping the series will follow the cartoon-esque nature of the comics and will be as funny as the 2010 film adaptation.
The series is being made by Science Saru, the studio behind successful titles such as Devilman Crybaby and Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken. Bryan Lee O’Malley and BenDavid Grabinski are the executive producers of the series. The music for the series will be composed by the pop band Anamanaguchi, who also composed music for the franchise's video game adaptation. Meanwhile, the score for the series will be composed by Joseph Trapanese.
With so many creative people behind the project, it will be interesting to see how good the series turns out to be.
Scott Pilgrim synopsis
The comic book series follows the story of 23 year old Scott Pilgrim, a part-time musician and slacker who lives in Ontario, Canada. He lives with his sarcastic gay roommate Wallace Wells and plays bass in a band along with his friends Stephen Stills, Kim Pine, and "Young" Neil Nordegraf.
Scott's life takes an unexpected turn when he gets obsessed with a delivery girl named Ramona Flowers despite being in a relationship with high school student, Knives Chau. Scott and Ramona grow closer and during one heavy snowstorm, they end up going to her house, which transpires in them kissing each other.
However, getting into a relationship with Ramona isn't that easy as Scott soon finds himself face-to-face with one of her evil ex-boyfriends, Matthew Patel. He defeats Matthew in a fight upon which Ramona tells him about her seven evil-exes.
She warns Scott that if they date, he will have to defeat all seven of her exes, to which he agrees. However, the exes just keep getting stronger each time, leaving Scott broken and bruised, with more and more complications arising in his life and relationship with Ramona.