Wednesday, December 4, 2024, saw the second Mononoke anime film share a new trailer and other promotional material via the official website for the larger trilogy film project. This latest batch of news for the film also revealed two new cast members for the second film in the larger Mononoke the Movie Trilogy project.
The Mononoke anime film trilogy serves as a sequel to the 2007 Mononoke series, itself a spinoff of the Ayakashi – Samurai Horror Tales television anime series. Specifically, the spinoff series and film trilogy continue the story of the Medicine Seller character from Ayakashi’s Bakeneko (or Goblin Cat) Arc.
Second Mononoke anime film focuses on Medicine Seller’s new adventures and encounters of the spiritual kind
The new trailer for the second Mononoke anime film seemingly opens with someone being possessed and the Medicine Seller arriving at the house where this happened. The Medicine Seller is seen unsheathing some sort of demonic sword while other characters speak. This quickly transitions into a shot showing several women walking, followed by rapid shots of additional women and a large group of characters.
The trailer then returns to the supernatural, seeing some sort of entity begin taking over the house and its residents as the Medicine Seller tries to fight against it. Several scenes of this same fashion continue on into the trailer’s final moments, where the Medicine Seller says something before the trailer ends shortly thereafter. A screen of text also appears, presumably confirming the release information for the upcoming movie.
The key visual for the upcoming film focuses solely on the Medicine Seller as he fights this new spirit. The spirit seems to be a colony of lesser yokai, shaped like arrows with one massive eye-like object affixed to the points of their arrow-shaped bodies. The Medicine Seller is seen in the middle of the visual with what appears to be several talismans floating around him, as several of these yokai creatures begin rushing at him.
As mentioned above, two new cast members and characters were also announced for the film. Cho will be playing Yoshimichi Tokita, while Kenyuu Horiuchi will play Roju Otomo, also known as the elderly Otomo. Hiroshi Kamiya will reprise his role as the Medicine Seller. Other returning cast members include Haruka Tomatsu as Botan Otomo, Yoko Hikasa as Fuki Tokita, and Yuki Kaji as Saburomaru Tokita.
The second Mononoke anime film will premiere in Japan on March 14, 2025. The first film in the trilogy project, titled Phantom in the Rain, premiered in Japan on July 26, 2024, before coming to the United States and other international theaters later on. This was then followed by a global release on Netflix, where the first film is still available to stream as of this article’s writing.
Related links
- Mononoke anime film to stream on Netflix in November 2024
- Mononoke anime film sequel confirmed for March 2025, trilogy announced
- Netflix announces December 2024 release date for Uzumaki anime in Asia