On Thursday, November 21, 2024, Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine revealed that manga creator duo Somato's Shadows House manga will be going on a three-week break. The manga will return to serialization later in the year on Thursday, December 19, 2024.
Shadows House is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by the manga creator duo Somato. The manga series began serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine in September 2018 and has been collected into 18 compiled volumes as of September 2024.
Shadows House manga set to return in December 2024
On Thursday, November 21, 2024, Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine issue 51 revealed that manga creator duo Somato's Shadows House manga is set to go on a three-week hiatus.
Evidently, the manga creators took a break earlier this year in preparation for the series's final story arc. However, with the creator's health not being great as of late, the manga series is set to go on yet another hiatus.
But evidently, this break is set to be a little different from the manga. As previously announced by Somato through their Pixiv, the manga is set to follow a different release pattern. It would release one new chapter for two consecutive weeks and take a two-week hiatus.
With that in mind, the series' latest hiatus will effectively only be adding one extra week of break to their scheduled serialization break. This means that fans will only have to wait one extra week for the new chapter to drop.
Therefore, Somato's Shadows House manga is touted to return on Thursday, December 19, 2024, in the third issue of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump 2025 magazine.
For the time being, fans can only remain patient and hope that the manga creator's health recovers soon, allowing them to finish the story the way they intended. However, with the growing concerns about their health, a magazine switch could be a much better option.
As fans may remember, manga creator Yuki Tabata also switched from Weekly Shonen Jump to Jump GIGA due to his worsening health concerns. While that may or may not be the best option for Somato, it has seemingly worked wonders for Yuki Tabata and could be a viable option for the Shadows House creators if they face further scheduling issues.
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