With its premiere on April 10, 2022, the popularity of Keiko Maki’s original manga series, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie, skyrocketed within a few days. This has been one of the greatest accomplishments for production house Doga Kobo. Moreover, with 3.5 million copies of 13 volumes of manga being sold, it is apparent how great the anime is going to be.
With six episodes out, the series received a lot of appreciation for its endearing storyline and fascinating characters. As the production house filled fans with joy with the recent Episode 6, they also shocked everyone by announcing that the next few episodes will get delayed due to COVID-19 complications.
Fans have to wait for the next episodes of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
Here’s how Crunchyroll describes the series:
"The ultimate 'heartthrob girlfriend' appears! Naturally unlucky high school student Izumi's girlfriend is his classmate Shikimori. She has a beautiful smile and kind personality and always seems happy when she's with Izumi. She's a pretty, cute, and loving girlfriend, but when Izumi's in trouble… she transforms into a super cool 'heartthrob girlfriend!' The fun lives of the cute and cool Shikimori, Izumi, and their good friends never end! This 1000% precious romantic comedy begins now!"
When will the next episodes of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie be aired?
The news, that the next episodes of the series will be getting delayed, came as a shock to everyone who got attached to Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie. The official site has announced that the production house, Doga Kobo, has to shut down its work temporarily due to the COVID-19 outbreak within the company.
With the announcement, it was revealed that unfortunately, a few of the staff members of Doga Kobo have tested positive for COVID-19. They will have to halt their production for a few weeks to bring the situation under control. Moreover, the company has to take precautions to stop the virus from spreading to other staff members and people outside.
In the previous month as well, the production house Doga Kobo had to close its doors for 11 days from April 6 to April 18 due to a virus outbreak. So instead of Episode 7, fans will get to see the First Special Episode of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie on the originally scheduled date, which is on May 21.
Doga Kobo’s other projects like RPG Fudousan and Technoride Overmind will also be getting delayed because of the same reasons.
Here is a list of newly scheduled dates for the episodes of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie:
- May 14th – Episode 6 premieres worldwide
- May 21st – First Special episode
- May 28th – Episode 7 premieres worldwide
- June 4th – Episode 8 premieres worldwide
- June 11th – Second Special episode
- June 18th – Episode 9 premieres worldwide
- June 25th – Episode 10 premieres worldwide
- July 2nd – Episode 11 premieres worldwide
- July 9th – Episode 12 premieres worldwide
Meanwhile, fans can catch all the released episodes of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie on Crunchyroll. The English dub of the series is also available on the platform.