Fans of the popular shonen series Bleach are eagerly awaiting the return of the anime adaptation of the final arc, Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War. The first part of the anime concluded in December 2022, which saw the Wandenreich declaring war against the Soul Society and the beginning of Ichigo's ultimate fight. The second part, titled Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War - The Separation, is set to premiere in July 2023.
To hype up the anticipation for the upcoming installment, Shueisha has announced that it will release a new music video featuring scenes from the anime.
Jump MV to release new music video ahead of Bleach TYBW
The Jump MV is a collaborative project between Weekly Shonen Jump works and Sony Music Group artists. As the initial concept for this project, the anime theme song series has been chosen.
The fourth song of the collaboration MV features Asterisk, a song by Orange Range. Additionally, the MV is said to include drawings from the original manga and will premiere from Sunday, May 14, at 8 pm JST. Fans can head on over to the official JUMP youtube channel to stream the premiere.
Asterisk, opening theme song for the anime series, was released in 2005 and performed by the Japanese band Orange Range. With a blend of rock, rap, and reggae influences, the song has a lively and upbeat tune. The Japanese lyrics talk about breaking free from constraints and choosing one's own path.
The summary of Bleach TYBW
Tite Kubo's popular anime and manga series follows the story of a teenager named Ichigo Kurosaki who gains the powers of a Soul Reaper after accidentally acquiring them from a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki. The series has a unique blend of action, comedy, drama, and supernatural.
Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War is based on the final story arc of Tite Kubo's manga. The plot of the series revolves around the arrival of the Quincy army, which is led by the powerful and enigmatic Yhwach to invade Soul Society and destroy the Soul King, the keystone of the balance between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Additionally, the story arc explores the backstory of a number of major characters, including Yhwach, Ichigo, and the Soul King. The series also introduces new characters with their own special abilities and objectives.
Ichigo and his friends face formidable foes, explore complex alliances and betrayals, and discover the truth behind Yhwach's ultimate objective as the war between the Quincy and Soul Society intensifies. They are forced to make challenging decisions about their allegiances and the future of the universe as they learn the dark secrets and hidden histories of the Soul Society and the living world.