On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, several reputable anime and manga news source accounts reported that the Solo Leveling anime adaptation had allegedly been delayed. While not officially confirmed, the sources who are posting to Twitter about the delay are typically reputable and trustworthy.
While taking this news with a grain of salt is still necessary, many fans assume that this latest Solo Leveling anime news is true. With the anime yet to receive an official release date, reports of a delay at this stage are certainly concerning.
Solo Leveling anime could potentially be delayed to 2024
When the Solo Leveling anime adaptation was first announced at Anime Expo 2022, fans were extremely excited to hear that the beloved manhwa series would receive an adaptation. Even more exciting was the fact that fans only had to wait until 2023 to see it premiere, with many assuming that it would premiere during the Spring 2023 anime season.
However, the lack of a formal and full release date in the weeks and months that followed gave way to speculation on exactly when the series would be coming. While fans were unsure of exactly when the series would come in 2023, they were at least positive it would debut in the new year.
Unfortunately, the latest alleged delay for the series may push its premiere back outside of the current calendar year. While not certain, the lack of a formal release date up to the point of this article’s writing would suggest that even the adaptation team wasn’t sure when in 2023 the series would drop.
In other words, they had so much work left to do that the general release window of 2023 was not fully viable, including a potential premiere in the latter months of the year. With this in mind, the latest reports of delays and postponements for the series suggest that a 2024 release is now on the table. However, this is purely speculative as of this article’s writing.
More about Solo Leveling
The smash-hit manhwa series, written by Chugong and illustrated by the late Jang Sung-Rak, pen name Dubu, first premiered as a web novel in 2016. It was later adapted into its more popular webtoon form in March 2018. The webtoon series ran for under four years, releasing its 179th and final chapter in December 2021.
The series is set in a world where hunters, humans with supernatural abilities, fight monsters to protect mankind from annihilation. Protagonist Sung Jinwoo is one such human, and after narrowly surviving an overwhelmingly powerful dungeon, he’s given the unique power to level up and turn his kills into loyal minions. Jinwoo then begins a journey to discover the secrets of the dungeons and his own powers.
Follow along for more Solo Leveling anime news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.