On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, Kadokawa revealed the teaser visual and teaser promotional video for the upcoming television anime adaptation of the Stupid Angel Dances with the Devil manga. Originally written and illustrated by Sawayoshi Azuma, Kadokawa also announced the anime series’ main cast, staff, and release window.
The cast announcements for the Stupid Angel Dances with the Devil anime series only revealed the series’ main cast, characters Masatora Akutsu and Lily Amane. However, fans can expect additional cast members to be announced as the series eventually nears its currently planned release window.
Azuma originally launched his Stupid Angel Dances with the Devil manga series in Kadokawa’s Dengeki Maoh magazine in June 2016, where it is still serialized regularly. The series most recently published its 15th compilation volume in Japan in April 2023. The manga series has yet to be published on paper in English.
Stupid Angel Dances with the Devil television anime adaptation set to air in 2024
As mentioned above, the current cast announcements for the Stupid Angel Dances with the Devil television anime series focus only on central characters Masatora Akutsu and Lily Amane. The two are set to be voiced by Yuma Uchida and Ayane Sakura, respectively. Fans may recognize Uchida as Jujutsu Kaisen’s Megumi Fushiguro, and Sakura as My Hero Academia’s Ochaco Uraraka.
The anime, currently slated for a 2024 premiere, will be animated by Children’s Playground Entertainment in collaboration with GAINA Studios. Itsuro Kawasaki is directing the anime and is also in charge of the series scripts. Yuko Yahiro is designing the characters, while Takuro Iga is composing the music. ANLA is in charge of music production.
Akutsu is described as a demon who has come to the human world in search of an idol for demons. Amane, meanwhile, is a beautiful girl liked by everyone and a school idol as well. However, she’s actually an angel, hence the series’ title. The series is about Akutsu, who meets Amane and invites her to join him. After learning her true identity as an angel, Akutsu attempts to have her fall from grace.
The key visual features the two of them back to back, with Amane seemingly wielding a scythe and holding it at Akutsu’s throat. The two are also prominently featured in the aforementioned trailer, which is only 30 seconds long but shows the two meeting and revealing their true identities to one another. While there is no official release date beyond the 2024 window, fans can likely expect the series to premiere in mid-2024 at the latest, with early 2024 more likely.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.