Sword of the Demon Hunter anime is set to premiere in Summer 2024, as announced by the anime's official staff on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Along with this information, a teaser trailer, a visual, and details regarding the anime's main staff and cast have been revealed.
Sword of the Demon Hunter anime serves as an adaptation of Moto'o Nakanishi (author) and Tamaki's (illustrator) eponymous light novel series. The anime adaptation was green-lit in 2021 by the light novel's publisher, Futabasha. Notably, it also has a manga version with Yu Satomi's illustrations.
Sword of the Demon Hunter anime will release in Summer 2024
On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the official website and X (formerly Twitter) handle for the Sword of the Demon Hunter anime announced that the title will premiere in Summer 2024, i.e., in July. However, an exact release date is yet to be disclosed.
Along with the release window, the official staff has also streamed a teaser PV, which begins with a rapid chase scene in the forest. The sounds of the drums in the background create a sense of urgency. Following the chase, the scene shifts to the battle between Jinta and a demon.
Aside from Jinta, other main characters, such as Suzune, and Shirayuki, also feature in the short clip. Interestingly, the 170-year-long story of the demons and the humans is woven into the PV, and at the end of the clip, the release window, cast, and other details are revealed.
Other than the PV, a teaser visual for the Sword of the Demon Hunter anime has been unveiled. It depicts Jinta looking ahead, while Suzume and Shirayuki are running in the background. The vivid illustration also creates a contrast between a setting sun and a blizzard.
Additionally, the main cast for the Sword of the Demon Hunter anime is revealed. Taku Yashiro features in the anime as Jinta and Saori Hayami plays Shirayuki's role. Reina Ueda, popular as Kanao Tsuyuri from Demon Slayer, also joins the cast as Suzune.
Comments from the voice actors have also arrived on the anime's website. Reina-san was attracted by the ingenious blending of love and hate, which serves as one of the highlights of the story. Similarly, Hayami-san lauded the narrative's "beautiful encounters and partings."
Details regarding the staff have also been announced. Kazuya Aiura is directing the historical fantasy anime at Yokohama Animation Lab, with Deko Akao supervising the scripts.
Taro Ikegami is listed as the character designer, while Ryuichi Takada, Keiichi Hirokawa, and Kuniyuki Takahashi from MONICA are composing the series' music.
Based on the light novel, the Sword of the Demon Hunter anime's plot revolves around Jinta, a skilled swordsman, who serves as the guardian of the Kadono village and its shrine maiden. One day, while confronting a demon, he learns that in the distant future, a Demon God will wreak havoc.
Interestingly, the demon reveals that the Demon God's rise to power springs from the present time, and from the Kadono village itself. As such, the historical fantasy anime will explore the centuries-spanning journey of a man, who seeks justice for what he has lost.
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2024 continues.