Goku, the main character of the well-known Dragon Ball series, was recently referred to as a terrorist by a Twitter user, causing outrage in the Goku community. The user went so far as to label the Legendary Saiyan "a terrorist" and said that every time he engaged in combat, he endangered his friends, family, and the entire globe.
Fans of the series have reacted to the user's comments with a mixture of scorn and humor. Despite his flaws, Goku is seen as a valiant figure who battles to defend his loved ones and protect the planet from destruction.
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for the anime and character fates mentioned therein. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Fans argue over the heroic staus of Goku after Twitter user goes after the beloved Saiyan
A lot of individuals on Twitter frequently try to rile up anime fans by critiquing their favorite series - sometimes their reasons are sound, but at other times they are wholly false and simply serve to start an interminable debate. By insulting the much-loved Goku from shonen anime Dragon Ball, one of these users made an attempt to accomplish something similar.
Goku was unexpectedly subjected to criticism from Twitter user Astronym, who called the adored character "a terrorist." According to them, the Saiyan isn't as fantastic as people have made him out to be since fans frequently dismiss legitimate criticism of the anime and the main character.
This critique draws attention to the character's possible weaknesses in risk perception and emotional intelligence. Goku is frequently shown as having an impetuous attitude and a propensity to behave recklessly without thinking through the impact of his choices. His impulsiveness frequently causes him to take chances that others may not, but it can also put him in precarious circumstances.
The user continues by stating that the character frequently destroys entire universes or even wipes them out in the name of battling and pushing himself to the maximum. This disregard for the greater good has been a reoccurring theme in Dragon Ball throughout its existence.
Dragon Ball fans respond to their favorite Saiyan being slammed
Anime fans were quick to react to Astronym's criticism of the show, with one pointing out that the Saiyan is a protector and concerned about others around him. He has also made a number of selfless choices to protect not only the planet but the whole multiverse.
The person continued to argue in favor of the Saiyan, attracting supporters.
Several independent comments under Astronym's post also called out the controversial stance they took on the matter:
After receiving harsh criticism from several Dragon Ball fans, the original Twitter handle admitted to the character not being a villain.
While "terrorist" might be a stretch, Goku is undoubtedly a contentious anime character. It's true that he has a reputation for stirring up problems, whether it's due to his desire to take on opponents or his occasionally rash behavior. He rarely acts out of malice or a wish to create havoc, though, and simply enjoys engaging in combat and pushing himself, regardless of the repercussions.
Stay tuned for more Dragon Ball news and animes alike.