Soon after the premiere of The Apothecary Diaries anime, the series managed to become the #1 trending topic on X in Japan. Despite being part of the Fall 2023 anime roster, the series is starting at the end of October. However, this delay in release did not affect its performance.
The Apothecary Diaries, written by Natsu Hyuga and illustrated by Touko Shino, is a Japanese light novel series that was first serialized online in 2011 on Shōsetsuka ni Narō. The light novel was later acquired by Shufunotomo and published as a single novel, following which it was released as a series.
The Apothecary Diaries takes the top spot on X in Japan
The Apothecary Diaries anime premiered its first episode on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Soon after its release, the anime managed to become the number 1 trending topic on X in Japan.
The series follows the story of a 17-year-old girl Maomao who was kidnapped and forced to work as a servant at the emperor's palace in China. However, one day when she found out that the emperor's two infants had fallen ill, she used her experience as a pharmacist in the red light district to help them. While Maomao wanted to remain anonymous, Jinshi recognized her talent, soon after which, she found herself in the emperor's inner court, making a name for herself.
How fans reacted to The Apothecary Diaries' reception
From what one can see online, it seems pretty obvious that the anime's success was guaranteed. The light novel series has been topping the charts for nearly 10 years. Meanwhile, the manga series has already sold over 20 million copies worldwide. Thus, an anime series for the same was definitely set to be a success.
That said, many fans were confused about why was such a popular series' anime adaptation delayed by so many years. Nevertheless, now that the anime has been released, they are glad to see it get the reception it deserves.
Fans loved the premiere and have already begun considering the series as a strong contender for becoming the anime of the year. While other fans may think that The Apothecary Diaries' fans are exaggerating the show, considering the huge amount of support, that hardly seems to be the case.
That said, the anime has only released three episodes during its premiere and is yet to release 21 more episodes in the future. Hence, the anime's chances of becoming the anime of the year may all depend on the remaining episodes, which will air all the way till the end of the Winter 2024 anime season.