The Apothecary Diaries anime began airing on October 22, 2023, with a special premiere that released the first three episodes together. The anime experienced exceptional hype, which became evident since it began trending on Japanese Twitter (now X) soon after the premiere.
The anime has an overall tone similar to a slice-of-life story which has definitely contributed towards its rather niche popularity. However, cour 2 will actually converge all the disconnected mysteries of the Imperial Palace.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for The Apothecary Diaries series.
The Apothecary Diaries cour 2 will finally reveal the actual perpetrator behind the incidents
The Apothecary Diaries has been the dark horse and one of the most underrated shows released in the fall of 2023. Episode 12 of the series mainly adapts Maomao getting fired from the imperial palace, only for Jinshi to reassess and buy Maomao back from the brothel for her to work in the imperial palace officially.
Cour 2 PV revealed many important characters that will be heavily involved in the overall story, like Suiren as well as Lakan, who has a particularly close relationship with Maomao. Cour 2 will begin from episode 13 and connect all the incidents that happened in Cour 1. It will then reveal the actual plot that is going on in the Imperial Palace.
The overall story adapts the light novel of the same name written by Natsu Hyuga and mainly follows Maomao and her work in the imperial palace. The story is based in 15th-century China.
Cour 1 of the story mainly focuses on minor incidents throughout the Palace and Maomao's rather disconnected approach toward deducing the truth behind them.
The anime is currently available for streaming on Crunchyroll for regions excluding Asia. For Asian regions, the anime is available on Netflix, and it is also currently being dubbed in English, although only 9 episodes have been dubbed in English so far. Episode 13 will be released on December 30, 2023, and will officially begin cour 2.
The Apothecary Diaries episode 12 recap
In The Apothecary Diaries episode 12, the aftermath unfolds as Fengmin's guilt is exposed, triggering palace layoffs. Maomao faces dismissal due to her ties with Fengmin. Desperate, she implores Jinshi, who, after deliberation, opts to pay her a substantial severance fee.
Forced to return to Hanamachi, Maomao and her sisters attend a noble's party as courtesans. Encountering Jinshi, now distressed, Maomao is questioned about her courtesan role. Their conversation concludes with Jinshi proposing to buy her from the brothel, introducing a complex turn of events.