On March 8, 2024, the anime adaptation of the light novel series The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows was announced. The announcement was made during the GA Fes 2024 event. An announcement video was uploaded on YouTube as well and a webtoon adaptation of this light novel series was announced. The same will begin serialization in 2024.
The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows light novel series is written by Hishikawa Sakaku and illustrated by Daburyu. It has also received a manga adaptation illustrated by Ten Jūnoichi.
The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows' anime and webtoon adaptations announced with new video
The announcement video started with the revelation of a few panels from the manga adaptation of The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows. Fans also got a glimpse of some light novel illustrations in the clip. While the trailer revealed the concept designs of some of the main characters of this series, the animation studio for this anime series was not announced.
The announcement of a webtoon adaptation was also made during this video, and it was revealed that the title will be serialized by GA Comic. Daburyu and Ten Jūnoichi also drew illustrations in celebration of the announcement. The video ended with some light novel and manga volumes being showcased.
The author of The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows, Sakaku Hishikawa, has been part of some famous spin-off titles. He is the author of the spin-off light novels of the famous manga series Chainsaw Man and Hell's Paradise.
The former was released under the name Chainsaw Man: Buddy Stories and it was illustrated by the author of the series Tatsuki Fujimoto. The spin-off light novel for the latter series, Hell's Paradise: Ephemeral Dream, was illustrated by the author Kaku Yuuji.
The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows plot
The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows is a fantasy series that is centered around Zenos, who is born in the slums and has no talent worth making a living from. One day, he crosses paths with a healer and decides to dedicate his life to studying the art of healing under this individual.
After becoming a full-fledged healer, he gets accepted into a party by an adventurer. However, Zenos is treated very harshly by the group who do not appreciate his abilities and throw him out of the party. With nothing left to make a living with, Zenos decides to open an underground clinic.
As time passes, Zenos becomes famous for his healing skills and fans wonder if he will finally be able to reach new heights, or if he will have to deal with a new new hindrance.
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