The Fable anime has been confirmed to come out in the spring of 2024 and this came along with the news of character designs for the adaptation of Katsuhisa Minami's manga. This thriller, originally published by Kodansha, is going to be adapted by Tezuka Productions and already had a trailer coming out last month, only adding to the hype of the project.
The news came out on the website of The Fable anime and recently featured artwork for characters such as Akira Sato, his “sister” Yoko, and Misaki Shimizu. It's worth pointing out that there is still room for more previews of the series since it is coming out in 2024.
Minami's manga was an action thriller that managed to add some comedic elements so it is going to be interesting how Tezuka Productions, a studio with so much history in Japan, are going to adapt this series.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers for The Fable anime.
The Fable anime is coming out in 2024 and new artwork has been released
The Fable anime has been long awaited by the fandom because the manga a couple of years ago.
Be that as it may, after the trailer came out last month, there was now revelation of the character artworks of Akira Sato, Yoko, and Misaki Shimizu, adding more fuel to the series' fire.
The news of the character designs was released on the anime's official website, coupled with these statements from the people in charge of the project:
"In addition to protagonist Akira Sato, line art has arrived of Youko Sato, Akira’s little “sister” (tentative title) who is spending her suspension period with him, and is nicknamed the Drunk Queen, as well as Shimizu Misaki, the heroine the Sato siblings must protect from evil at all costs"
Another statement read:
"We’re revealing for the first time line art of the characters’ full bodies, as well as Akira laughing loudly, Yoko with a sneaky expression, and Misaki with a troubled face – line art featuring their rich expressions."
Beyond the trailer by Tezuka Productions, there are not a lot of details surrounding the anime beyond the fact is coming out in 2024.
The appeal and premise of the series
The Fable anime is bound to adapt a series with a unique take on the typical Japanese action thriller genre. The main character, Fable, is a powerful and legendary hitman in the Japanese crime scene and has no issues taking down anyone who stands in his way, although now he has a new mission.
He is given the hardest job of his life: to infiltrate the Yakuza as a normal civilian and never fight or take a life. This proves to be very difficult given the context and becomes one of Fable's most difficult missions, trying to keep calm in such a dangerous place.
It is both a hilarious and complicated situation where Fable has to make use of other abilities not related to his hitman skills. The manga by Katsuhisa Minami manages to subvert a lot of expectations of the genre and does so with a lot of personality as well.