The Fable anime is an adaptation of the famous undercover hitman manga series of the same name, written and illustrated by Minami Katsuhisa. The anime adaptation was announced in July 2023, and fans are excited to see the new key visual, which shows the main cast of the anime.
The release month of this adaptation was also announced, which is closer than fans anticipated, adding to the excitement of this anime. The anime adaptation is set to premiere in April 2024 and will be divided into two consecutive cours.
With only two months remaining till the Fable anime premieres, the tensions are high over how the production team of this anime series will adapt this comedy-seinen series so that it doesn't get forgotten in the infinite abyss of anime.
Fable anime features the cast members in the newly revealed visual
The latest character visual of this anime series features all the cast members that will appear in the adaptation. At the center of the visual is Satou Akira (aka Fable), the main protagonist of this series, who is the prodigy hitman in the series. On his left is Satou Yuko, another assassin and partner of Satou Akira.
On Akira's right side stands Misaka, the first person Akira meets when he is transferred to another city to lower his kill count as a hitman. In the upper right corner stands Takeshi Edihara, Fable's manager.
The Fable anime series will be animated by Tezuka Productions, famous for adapting some amazing series like Pluto, Black Jack, and The Quintessential Quintuplets season 1.
The main protagonist of this anime, Satou Akira, will be voiced by Okitsu Kazuyuki (who voiced Mozu in Dr. Stone season 3). The series is divided into two cours that will air consecutively.
The series also has two successful live-action movies, which premiered in June 2019 and June 2021. The manga of this series completed serialization in November 2019, and its sequel, Fable: The Second Contact, also completed serialization in July 2023.
Synopsis of the Fable anime
The Fable anime tells the tale of an undercover hitman named Akira Satou, who goes by the name of 'Fable.' Being a professional hitman, he always completes his mission, which is becoming a problem because his kill count is increasing beyond limits.
Fearing a worse outcome, Fable's bosses tell him to lay low for a while and spend a 'normal' life. So, he travels to another city alongside his partner-in-crime, Satou Yuki, who is Akira's driver.
Together, they try to live as siblings in a city with normal people. As his bosses threatened him with a punishment if he tried to kill anyone, will Fable be able to hold his urge to kill?
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2024 progresses.