One of the most highly anticipated anime series of the Summer 2023 season is the television anime adaptation of author Broccoli Lion and illustrator Slime's The Great Cleric light novel. Set to premiere in Japan in just two days on Thursday, July 6, 2023, excitement for the series is at an all-time high.
While fans have been receiving significant information about the adaptation since its announcement, there are still some key details that are yet to be addressed. For example, fans are yet to hear a preview of The Great Cleric anime series' opening or ending themes heading into this release week.
Thankfully, the adaptation team seems to have recognized this issue, releasing a new and likely final promotional video for The Great Cleric anime series ahead of its aforementioned premiere. It features new content from the series, including a preview of the opening theme song.
The Great Cleric's new trailer features preview of opening theme, but leaves ending theme unaddressed
As mentioned above, The Great Cleric anime series released its presumably final promotional video for the series on Tuesday, July 4, 2023. Considering that the anime is set to premiere in just two days, this presumption becomes all the more certain. Within, fans see a few new scenes from the upcoming series and also get a preview of the series' opening theme.
The title's opening theme is Bagu-chan, set to be performed by Nasuo☆. While not previewed in the latest trailer (or any for that matter), the ending theme song will be A New Day performed by Yuki Nakashima. Fans will presumably hear the ending theme debut upon the series' premiere. However, this is purely speculative as of this article's writing.
The series is set to premiere and stream in advance exclusively on the ABEMA platform, starting on Friday, July 7 at 2 am JST. The series will then start airing on TBS on July 14 at 1:28 am JST. This will be followed by it streaming on BS11 and AT-X on July 14, followed by TV Hokkaido on July 21, and TBS Channel 1 on July 22.
The series will hit other streaming services in Japan starting on July 14.
The series stars Reiji Kawashima as Luciel, Akio Ohtsuka as Brod, Tomoaki Maena as Grulga, Daisuke Ono as Galva, Rika Kinugawa as Lumina, Hina Tachibana as Nanaera, Manaka Iwami as Monika, Showtaro Morikubo as Koun-sensei, and Mikoi Sasaki as Kururu. Crunchyroll will stream the series as it airs in Japan.
Masato Tamagawa is directing the series at Yokohama Animation Lab and Cloud Hearts Studios. Guonian Wang is in charge of character design, while Keiichiro Ochi is in charge of the series composition.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.