On October 20, 2024, The Holy Grail of Eris anime was announced through a promotional video released by the official YouTube channel of Drecom Media. The animation studio, staff members, and most of the credentials for the anime series are yet to be announced.
The Holy Grail of Eris anime is based on a light novel series written by Kujira Tokiwa and illustrated by Yuunagi. The light novel series has also received a manga adaptation, illustrated by Hinase Momoyama, and a sequel manga adaptation, illustrated by S. Kosugi.
The Holy Grail of Eris anime adaptation announced through a PV
The promotional video for The Holy Grail of Eris anime featured the narration between the main cast members through their voice actors. It ended with the announcement of the anime adaptation and the unveiling of the voice casting for the main characters.
Although the majority of the details, like the animation studio, release window, staff members, etc., are yet to be revealed, the voice casting for the main protagonists was revealed. This includes Constance Grail voiced by Kana Ichinose (Sayu from Higehiro) and Scarlet Castiel voiced by Sayumi Suzushiro (Nijika from Bocchi the Rock!).
The anime series is based on a light novel series of the same name, written by Kujira Tokiwa and illustrated by Yuunagi. While this series is the writer's first work in the industry, the illustrator has worked on many light novel series in the past, such as The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku.
Hinase Momoyama, the illustrator of the manga adaptation, is also the artist of some manga adaptations of individual arcs like Higurashi and Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Words from the authors
The official X of The Holy Grail of Eris anime shared the individual views of each author of the series. Kujira Tokiwa, the original writer of the light novel, thanked the fandom for supporting their work to the point that it received an anime adaptation. The author joked about using a decade's worth of good luck for this moment to become true.
Yuunagi, the original illustrator of the light novel, shared similar thoughts and was baffled by the thought that the characters would be voiced. Hinase Momoyama, the illustrator for the light novel's manga adaptation, shared a visual featuring the two female protagonists (and Randolph Ulster), congratulating the light novel authors.
S. Kosugi, the illustrator of the light novel's manga adaptation's sequel, shared a visual featuring the cast with words of appreciation. The voice actors also shared their views on the announcement of The Holy Grail of Eris anime.
The Holy Grail of Eris synopsis
The Holy Grail of Eris anime is a drama-fantasy series centered around the noble Constance Grail, who was betrayed by her fiancee. After her plea for justice is ignored, she is possessed by the spirit of Scarlet Castiel, who helps her get revenge.
However, Castiel's help comes at the price of helping her in return. In the past, when Castiel was alive, she was betrayed by someone, which led to her demise. Will Constance help Castiel achieve justice after her death?
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