The popular manga adaptation of The Irregular at Magic High School: Master Clans Conference arc is set to conclude in the upcoming September issue of G Fantasy magazine, according to a recent announcement. Illustrated by Hazumi Takeda and based on Tsutomu Satou's beloved light novel series, the manga has captivated fans since its launch in March 2020.
Spanning volumes 17 to 19 of the original novels, this arc delves into intense clan politics and magical intrigue. As the manga arc approaches its finale on September 18, readers eagerly anticipate the conclusion of this thrilling chapter in the Mahōka universe.
The Irregular at Magic Highschool's Master Clans Conference arc manga adaptation to end with September 18 issue of G Fantasy Magazine
On August 18, Square Enix's G Fantasy magazine made an announcement regarding the manga adaptation of the Master Clans Conference arc of The Irregular at Magic High School light novel series by Tsutomu Satou, written by Hazumi Takeda.
According to the announcement, the manga arc will conclude in the magazine's next issue, the expected release date being September 18. This story arc corresponds to the events of the original novels from volumes 17 to 19. The serialization of this manga adaptation first appeared in March 2020.
Alongside this one, the Yotsuba Succession arc manga adaptation by Tsuna Kitaumi also premiered in the same magazine in December 2019. This manga which was based on volume 16 of the original series finished publishing with volume 16 of 3 the final chapter of it being released in May 2022.
All you need to know about The Irregular at Magic High School
The Irregular at Magic High School light novel series by Tsutomu Satou had its inception in 2008 and completed its 32 volumes with the September 2020 publication, upon which two sequel volumes were published in late 2020 and early 2021, respectively.
The franchise also includes the film The Irregular at Magic High School The Movie: The Girl Who Summons the Stars, which premiered in Japan in June 2017. Moreover, the 13-episode-long anime series, which debuted in July 2021, is also based on a spinoff manga The Honor Student at Magic High School which is also inspired by the original series.
Final thoughts
As The Irregular at Magic High School: Master Clans Conference manga arc reaches its conclusion, fans can reflect on its successful adaptation of the beloved light novel series. With the arc's final chapter set for release on September 18, this marks another milestone in the expansive The Irregular at Magic High School franchise.
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