The staff of The Irregular at Magic High School anime series announced on Saturday, July 15, 2023, that the previously announced sequel anime for the series will air next year. The news came alongside the reveal of a teaser visual and a teaser promotional video, the latter of which actually announced the news to fans.
The first series of the television anime adaptation of author Tsutomu Sato’s The Irregular at Magic High School light novel series first premiered in April 2014. A second season of the original anime series was first scheduled to air in July 2020, but was delayed and eventually aired in October 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Based on the wording of the announcement, it seems that the upcoming The Irregular at Magic High School sequel series will be distinct and separated from the first two seasons. While spiritually a third season, this decision to make it a standalone sequel series could signal significant upcoming changes to tone, themes, and overall story in the coming series.
The Irregular at Magic High School sequel series is set to air next year with returning cast, new and returning staff
As mentioned above, the announcement states the sequel series is set to begin airing sometime next year. Unfortunately, no further release window has been given beyond the 2024 air date estimate. Fans can most likely expect the series to come later in the year considering that the production staff are giving themselves the full year window of time to work with.
Returning cast for the series includes Saori Hayami as Miyuki Shiba, Yuichi Nakamura as Tatsuya Shiba, and Kiyono Yasuno as Minami Sakurai. Jimmy Stone, an episode director on previous anime projects for the franchise, is directing the series at 8-Bit Studios. Taki Iwasaki is returning from the original series to compose the music for the sequel series.
Sato’s original and mainline The Irregular at Magic High School light novel series ended with its 32nd volume in September 2020. However, the series was followed by two sequels, which were shipped out in October 2020 and January 2021 for Japanese readers. Yen Press publishes the original series and author Yu Mori’s The Honor Student at Magic High School spinoff manga series. Mori’s manga was adapted into a 13-episode television anime series in July 2021.
The first season of the first anime series, which premiered in April 2014, ran for 26 episodes. The second season followed up with 13 episodes and was entitled The Visitor Arc. The franchise also includes the film The Irregular at Magic High School The Movie: The Girl Who Summons the Stars, which first opened in Japanese theaters in June 2017.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.