The Irregular at Magic High School anime debuted in 2014, followed by a second season in 2020, marking a return after six years. Despite the light novel series boasting 39 volumes, only a fraction of the narrative has reached audiences. Season 3 is anticipated to delve into the Reminiscence arc, promising further exploration of the captivating storyline that has kept fans engaged since the anime's inception.
Despite concluding its captivating story at 32 volumes in 2020, the English translation of all volumes is still pending, leaving fans eager for the complete experience. The anticipation fueled by LiSA's involvement hints at the continued resonance and enduring popularity of The Irregular at Magic High School.
Disclaimer: This article contains minor spoilers for the The Irregular at Magic High School series.
The Irregular at Magic High School sequel: LiSA will return to perform the opening theme
Aniplex recently released a sneak peek at the season 3 of The Irregular at Magic High School anime with a new video. On Wednesday, January 3, 2024, the promotion video mainly revealed that famous artist LiSA would return to perform the sequel's opening theme. However, another announcement will be released on Thursday, January 4, 2024.
The sequel will return later this year with familiar faces. Fans will witness the return of Saori Hayami as Miyuki Shiba, Yūichi Nakamura playing Tatsuya Shiba, and Kiyono Yasuno as Minami Sakurai. The team behind the animation will also see the return of Jimmy Stone, the skilled animation director from earlier series leading the way.
Studio 8-bit will also return to animate season 3, although many fans had hoped Studio MADHOUSE would return to adapt season 3.
The Irregular at Magic High School, a light novel series by Tsutomu Satou, first came to life in 2008 and wrapped up with its 32nd book in September 2020. Soon after, it progressed with two sequels in October 2020 and January 2021. Yen Press is the English publisher of the original novel and the spinoff manga, The Honor Student at Magic High School, illustrated by Yu Mori.
Anime lovers first met the franchise in April 2014. Its second season, The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc, started in October 2020. The 2017 movie release made a splash, and a spinoff manga soon explored TV screens with a 13-episode anime in July 2021.
Final thoughts
The upcoming sequel of The Irregular at Magic High School holds promising prospects with LiSA, renowned for her hits like Gurenge and Homura in Demon Slayer. While the franchise might not dominate current discussions, its light novel series remains one of the most talked-about in the broader anime and manga community even four years after its completion.