The Kingdoms of Ruin is a manga series written and illustrated by talented mangaka yoruhashi and published by Mag Garden. The series first aired in April 2019 and has received a rating of 7.02/10 on MyAnimeList, a notable anime and manga ranking/review website.
Many readers have rated the series to be "good" on the MyAnimeList scale, which is incredible for a more underground series. The said website's ratings tend to be incredibly harsh, so any series with a 7/10 can be considered a success.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for The Kingdoms of Ruin manga series.
Anime adaptation for 'The Kingdoms of Ruin' manga announced along with official artwork and members of the cast
Summary of the manga
The Kingdoms of Ruin is a fantasy-adventure series that takes place in a world where magic is the dominant power source. Humans have been utilizing the power of magic, which was gifted to them by godlike beings known as witches, for centuries. However, with the rise and prominence of scientific tools, the power of witches is becoming obsolete as humans become more powerful than ever.
Enter the powerful Redia Empire, a kingdom hellbent on both ridding humanity of magic forever and the extermination of witches. The story starts with the main character Adonis as a kid during the Redia Empire's witch hunts. While working for a witch as her apprentice, Adonis watches as the Redia Empire brutally takes her life like many other witches. This was when he swores to himself a life of revenge, and through the use of magic, he goes on to challenge the entire empire.
Since the manga's first chapter airing in 2019, The Kingdoms of Ruin has developed a small but dedicated fanbase. Due to this, manga sales have reached the point where an anime adaptation is possible. Yokohama Animation Lab is the animation studio that will be adapting the manga.
Although not as well-known as MAPPA or KyoAni, Yokohama Animation Lab has a few successful works such as The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt and The Journey in its kitty.
Hopefully, Yokohama Animation Lab will remain faithful to the source material and adapt the content that is in the manga. This will ensure that the anime is a success and becomes one of the top 10 anime for the Spring 2023 anime season when it aires.
Cast members and main character details revealed
Alongside the reveal of the first key visual, the official Twitter account of The Kingdoms of Ruin has released the cast members for the two main characters. Voicing Adonis will be Kaito Ishikawa, a very talented and well-known Japanese voice actor.
Ishikawa has previously voiced characters from very popular anime such as Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!, Genos from One-Punch Man, and Naofumi Iwatani from Rising of the Shield Hero.
A second main character, Doroka, will be voiced by Azumi Waki, another accomplished voice actor. She has portrayed characters such as Maika Sakuranomiya from Blend S and Hinata Tachibana from Tokyo Revengers.
Final thoughts
With proper marketing and quality control, it is possible for The Kingdoms of Ruin to become a top show during the Spring 2023 anime season. It has an engaging story and dynamic characters necessary to capture the attention of anime fans everywhere. At the same time, the fantasy-adventure genre is a classic everyone enjoys, regardless of their anime preferences.
It would be revolutionary to see a relatively small manga become a successful anime series with a large fandom. Since this is not seen much in the community, a lot of people will be watching this anime adaptation with a close eye.