Friday, November 28, 2024 saw mangaka Yoshihiro Togashi provide an update on his work on the Hunter x Hunter manga via his personal X (formerly Twitter) account. Togashi also revealed that he recently underwent surgery, which seems relatively minor considering that, per the post, “the procedure was performed under local anesthesia.”
Further supporting the idea that the procedure was relatively minor and not indicative of a major issue for Togashi is that he’s sharing this news alongside a Hunter x Hunter manga update. With this in mind, fans likely have nothing to be concerned about, with all currently available information suggesting Togashi is working on the series at a healthy, sustainable pace.
Hunter x Hunter mangaka’s latest update is great news for the series, and likely also his health
Unfortunately, Togashi’s tweet doesn’t reveal much more about his recent surgery beyond that it was done under local anesthesia. Togashi added that he was able to receive explanations and a commentary during the procedure as a result, calling it “a valuable learning experience” for himself. Togashi also shares that the “names” are completed for two more Hunter x Hunter manga chapters, and thanks those reading the post.
A picture attached to the post shows packets of what appear to be nearly completed full chapters for the series. Panels featuring character faces and dialogue can be seen faintly through a plain back page. This page is shown to be the back of the manuscript via the numberings in the bottom right corners of visible pages. The number highest up in the stack is 18, hence the confirmation that this is a back page for the manuscript.
It’s unclear what chapter numbers each of these two manuscripts are for, but it’s nevertheless an encouraging and exciting sight to see. Togashi’s continued work on the series suggests he’s able to do so at a healthy and comfortable pace which is also sustainable long-term. While the manga’s fandom has been clear about wanting Togashi to prioritize his health, there’s surely excitement regarding the continued production pace he’s shown over several months.
Togashi’s biggest health problems stem from issues with his back, which came about as a result of the awkward posture he spent so many years drawing manga in. The mangaka has previously shared that the pain can become debilitating to the point of not even being able to go to the bathroom by himself.
The Hunter x Hunter manga began serialization in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in March 1998, and is still ongoing there today. Of the manga’s 408 currently released chapters, 400 of them have been collected into 38 compilation volumes. The series was adapted into a television anime twice, first by Nippon Animation from October 1999 to March 2001, and again by Madhouse Studios from October 2011 to September 2014.
Related links
- Hunter x Hunter chapter 409 spoilers
- Hunter x Hunter chapter 409 official release date and time
- Hunter x Hunter chapter 408 highlights