Thursday, December 12, 2024, saw mangaka Yoshihiro Togashi post another update on the Hunter x Hunter manga to his verified personal X account. This latest update also provided some news on Togashi’s health, which is always a concern for fans, but especially so as of late considering the massive amount of work he’s been doing.
While the Hunter x Hunter mangaka’s latest update did reveal that he’s been having some health issues, Togashi also clarifies that he’s now “recovered enough to walk around the house.” Although this phrasing suggests that Togashi may not have fully recovered, it’s also unlikely that he’d push himself to return to work before fully recovering considering the backlog he now has.
Hunter x Hunter mangaka was “bedridden for several days” per latest X post
Togashi’s full post to his personal X profile begins by first establishing that he has indeed completed the storyboard for another Hunter x Hunter manga chapter. These pages are seen in a picture attached to the post, underneath what appears to be a copy of Weekly Shonen Jump. This can be interpreted via the Shueisha 2024 copyright seen on the magazine’s back, as well as the multi-colored, manga-like pages seen in the book from the angle the photo was taken.
Togashi then reveals that he was bedridden for several days “for some reason,” which would suggest he didn’t have a documentable illness or ailment. Likewise, this could just be general tiredness given the incredible work he’s been doing for the series in recent months. This would also track with Togashi saying that he’s still “a little unsteady” even after having “recovered enough to walk around the house.”
He adds that he was able to retrieve his work smartphone on his own as a result, clarifying that he’s not good at asking people for things. The update provides no other information, but it seems that Togashi specifically got his work phone for this latest update considering the phrasing. Unsurprisingly, this makes the latest update all the more meaningful for fans, with Togashi clearly pushing himself out of a desire to deliver for his audience.
Togashi’s post doesn’t specify what chapter number in the Hunter x Hunter manga this latest storyboard is for. However, based on previous updates from recent months, it’s likely for a chapter in the mid-to-high 420s. An update from October 2024 saw Togashi reveal that his character inking through chapter 422 had been completed. This effectively means that his major contributions to chapters through 422 were done at this point, with assistants then taking over.
Likewise, this would suggest that fans can expect new chapters to begin releasing relatively soon. However, the series is currently on an indefinite hiatus following the release of chapter 410 on Sunday, December 8, 2024. It’s unclear as of this article’s writing exactly when the series could potentially return.
Related links
- Togashi announces latest Hunter x Hunter manga update with Chrollo and Hisoka sketches
- Togashi’s discloses recent surgery amidst Hunter x Hunter manga update
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