Tokyo Revengers creator Ken Wakui is set to start a spinoff based on the series called Tokyo Revengers Extra. The spinoff series will be short, with only eight chapters, which will be released every week in the Weekly Shonen Magazine.
The announcement surfaced online alongside leaks from the end of the original series. The manga's final chapter 278 will be released next week in the Weekly Shonen Magazine issue #51. However, the earlier released spoilers revealed the end of Tokyo Revengers manga, along with the announcement for the spinoff manga series.
Ken Wakui's Tokyo Revengers Extra will be released in Weekly Shonen Magazine
According to leaks online, mangaka Ken Wakui will soon start a short eight-chapter long spinoff series called Tokyo Revengers Extra. The series is set to be released once a week, soon after the end of the original series in the Weekly Shonen Magazine.
However, it remains to be seen from the leaked information whether or not the chapter will come out in the Weekly Shonen Magazine #51 or will it be published in #52.
Based on the leaks, Tokyo Revengers Extra will feature the backstories of all the Founding members of the Tokyo Manji Gang. The first chapter of the spinoff series is titled The Wounded Tiger. It will be published this week alongside the final chapter of the main series, which has left the fanbase confused about whether the spinoff series has already begun or will it begin in the magazine's next issue.
The leaker on Twitter, @shonenleaks, also revealed the color page of the spinoff series' chapter 1, featuring the Founding members of Tokyo Manji Gang - Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Pah-chin, and Kazutora.
Tokyo Revengers features on the cover of Weekly Shonen Magazine amid the end of the main series
With the manga's main series reaching its finale, Tokyo Revengers was recently featured on the cover of the Weekly Shonen Magazine #51. The cover showed all the important characters who appeared in the manga, including the protagonist Takemichi, Mikey, Draken, Hinata, and others.
According to the leaks, the concluding chapter is set to have a sweet finale to the manga as it will feature Takemichi and Hinata's wedding, with which the original series will come to an end.
The magazine also celebrated the same by providing a double-colored spread featuring Takemichi and Hinata walking down the church steps in their wedding attire. Moreover, they were surrounded by all the characters who had been a part of the duo's long journey, as depicted by the creator Ken Wakui.
The chapter will also show fans the new relationship dynamics between the characters as they have all altered since Takemichi and Mikey got back in time to 2006, changing the timeline from its very source.