The official website for the Tonari no Yokai-san anime series opened on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, and revealed a lot of information on the upcoming series. Cast, staff, animation studio, a Spring 2024 premiere, and more were all revealed either in or alongside the main teaser video for the anime series.
The news on the Tonari no Yokai-san anime series comes over a year after Amazon had listed an anime adaptation with the manga’s fourth and final volume in March 2022. News on the series’ anime had been relatively quiet and unheard of since then but has apparently been vindicated with the opening of the anime’s official website and the information it offered.
The Tonari no Yokai-san anime series serves as the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator noho’s original manga, which was first serialized on Twitter (now known as X) in 2018. East Press also began serializing the manga on their Mato Grosso website sometime after its initial 2018 premiere on social media.
Tonari no Yokai-san set to premiere in Japan on April 2024 with animation production by LIDEN FILMS
As mentioned above, the official website for the Tonari no Yokai-san anime opened and revealed essentially all production information on the series besides its theme songs. This includes the cast, staff, and animation studio. A teaser trailer and key visual were also released as a part of the site’s opening, as was a commemorative illustration from the aforementioned creator Noho.
The anime will star Asaki Yuikawa, Ryosuke Higa, and Yuuki Kaji as Mutsumi Sugimoto, Jirobo Enkazan, and Buchio Oishi. Mutsumi Sugimoto, also known as Mu-chan, is a curious and energetic human girl. Jirobo (Jiro), meanwhile, is a 500-year-old crow tengu creature who watches over Mu-chan. Finally, Buchio is a 20-year-old cat that suddenly evolved into a mythical Nekomata creature.
Aimi Yamauchi is directing the anime at LIDEN FILMS studios, with Tomoko Konparu in charge of the series scripts, and Shigemitsu Abe designing the characters. Additional staff includes Nobuhiro Ando in Prop Design, Kenta Tsuboi as Art Director, and Emiko Onodera as Color Key Artist. The staff also includes Naho Hasegawa as Compositing Director of Photography, Avex Music Creative, and Blue Bird’s Nest in Music, with Daiki Hachimaki as Sound Director, and ABC Animation as Production.
The series takes place in a rural town, telling stories of the lives of the carefree, heartwarming, and even enigmatic lives of yokai, humans, and gods who live alongside each other in the area. The manga’s entirety was compiled into four volumes, the last of which shipped in April 2022 in Japan. The manga is also getting a two-volume side story, with the first side-story volume having shipped in Japan on August 18 of this year.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.