TOHO Animation’s official YouTube channel has recently dropped the fourth trailer for Trigun Stampede, which, apart from revealing the opening and the ending theme song, announced the anime’s January 7, 2023, debut. The series will be aired on TV Tokyo, TV Osaka, TV Aichi, TV Saikaze, and TVQ Kyushu on January 7 at 11 pm JST.
Trigun Stampede will also run on A-TX on January 9 at 10:00 pm JST. As Crunchyroll has licensed the anime for global release, the streaming giant will simulcast the series in more than 200 countries starting January 2023.
Although some asian region got excluded from Crunchyroll’s list, a few countries, like the Philippines, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, will still be able to stream the anime. The exclusion happened due to the lack of legal licensing for the streaming platform, which affected the performance of the site.
Kvi Baba and Salyu will perform the opening and the ending theme song for Trigun Stampede
Kvi Baba, the well-acclaimed hip-hop artist from Osaka, Japan, will sing the anime's opening theme song, TOMB. The ending theme song, Hoshi no Kuzu α, will be performed by Sayu, with Haruka Nakamura as the composer. Delighted to be working with the staff of Trigun Stampede, Kvi Baba, Salyu, and Haruka Nakamura shared their experiences.
Kvi Baba wrote TOMB when he was just 19 years old, and here’s what he said about his song becoming the opening theme for the anime:
"This time, I chose myself for the wonderful OP theme song, and I will be grateful. This song, TOMBI, was newly written down based on the song I was making when I was 19 years old, in line with the world view of Trigun Stampede. I'm really happy that the song that has been warm for four years can be released in its best form."
Talking about the soothing melody and the powerful feelings evocated by the ending theme song, Salyu shared:
"This song was produced by my dear musician and friend Haruka Nakamura. The soothing melody contains pure and intense emotions. I hope you enjoy the harmony with the story."
Meanwhile, Haruka Nakamura said:
"I wrote a song by Salyu called Star Kuz. I am in charge of lyrics and composition. I'm glad you read the lyrics, but it's like a letter from me to her and a letter from her to the song. The world is a shining star, but it is in a chaotic situation like it is now. We are one of the tiny Star Kuz, but that's why we want to sing hope."
Today, the first three episodes of Trigun Stampede have received an early screening at the Human Trust Cinema Shibuya in Tokyo. Fans who have attended the advanced premiere in Japan have praised the production house Orange Studios, director Kenji Muto, and the rest of the staff and voice actors behind the anime.