Animation studio Ufotable has released four new pieces of celebratory artwork following the premiere of the first of two Demon Slayer: Entertainment District arc special episodes. The special broadcasts are meant to celebrate the premiere of the television anime series’ third season on Sunday, April 9, 2023.
The two special broadcast episodes of the Demon Slayer: Entertainment District arc will recap the final moments of the previous season ahead of the new arc’s premiere. A similar tactic was also done theatrically in previous months, with international screenings of a film-length special that included the last two episodes of the previous season with the first episode from the upcoming arc.
Demon Slayer: Entertainment District arc artwork features Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Uzui
The latest celebratory artwork for the Demon Slayer: Entertainment District arc features the four main characters of the arc. This includes protagonist Tanjiro Kamado, supporting characters Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira, and Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui. The recent special broadcasts focus on recounting the foursome’s final battle against Upper Rank Six demon siblings Gyutaro and Daki.
The Demon Slayer: Entertainment District arc artwork is drawn by various animation staff for the previous season, as indicated by the credits for the artwork on Ufotable’s official website post. Each of the illustrations features the characters in the series’ chibi-like artstyle, which is particularly evident in the Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Uzui illustrations.
Animation studio Ufotable posted the artwork to their website and sent out a tweet with a link to the page from their official Twitter account. Within the tweet, the studio thanked fans for watching the series' arc and called the illustrations (which were made for the special broadcast) a “token of [their] gratitude” for viewers’ support.
The original television anime adaptation of Demon Slayer: Entertainment District arc premiered in December 2021, running for 11 episodes until February 2022. The overall second season ran from October 2021 to February, 2022, but the first seven episodes of the season were a retelling of the Mugen Train film. Likewise, fans don’t consider this retelling as a part of the true second season of the series.
The series follows protagonist Tanjiro Kamado, who returns to his mountain home after spending a night in town to find his entire family slaughtered by demons, save for sister Nezuko. However, Nezuko has been turned into a demon and is almost killed by Demon Slayer Giyu Tomioka. Thankfully, Tomioka spares them, allowing Tanjiro to begin his quest to search for a way to turn his sister back to normal.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.