On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, the Undead Unluck anime series announced new cast members, including the voice actor for My Hero Academia’s Shoto Todoroki, Yuki Kaji. Kaji and four other voice actors will be joining the series in varying roles in the coming weeks, according to this latest news from Shueisha themselves.
The Undead Unluck anime has proven to be one of the most popular series from the Fall 2023 lineup, premiering on Friday, October 6, 2023, on Japanese broadcast television. Before this premiere, the series held an exclusive world premiere screening at the Shinjuku Piccadilly in Tokyo on Sunday, October 1.
The Undead Unluck anime series serves as the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Yoshifumi Tozuka’s original manga series of the same name. The anime is produced by David Production, famed for their television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure manga series.
Undead Unluck anime enlists My Hero Academia’s Shoto Todoroki and more for upcoming roles
The latest
As mentioned above, Yuki Kaji, the voice of My Hero Academia’s Shoto Todoroki, is just one of the many voice actors set to join the Undead Unluck anime production. Kaji will play the role of Rip, while Toshiyuki Morikawa will voice Feng, Ikumi Hasegawa will voice Latla, Yasumoto Hiroki will voice Creed, and Murase Ayumu will voice Chikara.
These five will join the starring cast: Moe Kahara as Fuuko Izumo, Yuichi Nakamura as Andy, Kenji Nomura as Void, and Natsuki Hanae as Shen. Additionally, the cast includes Aoi Yuki as Gina, Mariya Ise as Juiz, Rikiya Koyama as Billy, Rie Kugimiya as Tatiana, Nobuhiko Okamoto as Top, Koji Yusa as Nico, and Tomokazu Sugita as Apocalypse.
The series reunited the main staff at David Production, which produced the Fire Force anime. Yuki Yaqse is directing the series, while Hideyuki Morioka is designing the characters for animation, and Kenichiro Suehiro is composing the music. UNLIMITED PRODUCe by TMS Entertainment is producing and planning the anime adaptation overall.
Tozuka’s manga originally premiered in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump as a one-shot in January 2019 before launching a serialized version in January 2020. Viz Media began publishing the manga digitally the same month, releasing print copies later in May 2021. The manga is also released via the free-to-use MANGA Plus service from Shueisha. TMS Entertainment describes the anime series as follows:
“What happens when an unlucky girl meets an undead guy? Pure chaos! Tired of inadvertently killing people with her special ability Unluck, Fuuko Izumo sets out to end it all. But when she meets Andy, a man who longs for death but can't die, she finds a reason to live—and he finds someone capable of giving him the death he's been longing for.”
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.