With Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump having hit 55 years since its inception on July 11, 1988, the magazine is currently celebrating its 55th anniversary. As part of the celebration, the magazine released a special anniversary promotional video, which featured characters from the 21 series of the magazine.
Weekly Shōnen Jump is one of the longest-running magazines in Japan, having launched back on July 11, 1968. While initially it was called only Shonen Jump, it was later renamed to Weekly Shonen Jump after it stopped being a bi-weekly magazine and started being released every week.
Weekly Shonen Jump releases new PV featuring characters from its manga series
As part of its 55th-anniversary celebrations, Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump's YouTube channel released a special promotional video with the theme "Enjoy, Every Monday," hinting toward its weekly releases.
The video featured special illustrations of the protagonists from the 21 series in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Each of the characters wore a special T-shirt with the words "Every Monday" on it. As for the music in the PV, it featured the names of all the manga series in the magazine.
The same illustrations were used in the magazine's issue 33 cover as well. As part of the celebrations, the magazine is also conducting a TikTok Campaign, where 24 people will get selected by lottery to win the special 55th-anniversary original tote bags. Additionally, the company has also decided to sell the "Every Monday" T-shirt worn by the characters in the PV. The same will be sold by BEAMS.
How fans reacted to the magazine's new PV
Anime fans enjoyed the special PV as it featured characters from their favorite series. Moreover, they really liked the song and how it transitioned between the names of each of Weekly Shonen Jump's series. While some fans were not so sure if the song was that great, the majority of fans thought that the song was surprisingly quite good.
Fans loved that all the series in the magazine were included in the promotional video. However, they themselves were worried about the magazine. Four of its most popular series - One Piece, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Black Clover are reaching close to their end. Thus, fans were worried about how the magazine would perform after they end their final arcs/sagas.
Considering that several WSJ manga were being shifted to other magazines within Shueisha, it seemed difficult for the magazine to sustain itself in the longer run. While Hunter x Hunter did release 10 chapters recently, the mangaka's health did not allow him to continuously release chapters for the same. Thus, the manga is set to receive a new release format.
As for the other manga, fans were certain that several out of them were set to get axed in a few months.