On December 15, 2024, the anime adaptation of Welcome to the Outcast's Restaurant was announced for 2025 with the registration of the anime's official website and X account. Only a teaser visual was released and more information about the voice casting and staff members is set to be released in the upcoming months.
Welcome to the Outcast's Restaurant is based on a light novel series written by Yuuki Kimikawa and illustrated by Gaou. The light novel series has published 3 volumes as of this article's publication (only in Japanese) and received a manga adaptation.
Welcome to the Outcast's Restaurant anime set to be released in 2025
The teaser visual for the anime adaptation of Welcome to the Outcast's Restaurant featured the male and female protagonists with the title of the series. The visual was released through the series' official X account which announced the release window of the anime, 2025.
The anime is based on a light novel series, of the same name, written by and illustrated by Yuki Kimikawa and illustrated by Gaou. While this work is the author's most influential one, the illustrator is famous in the animanga industry.
Gaou has previously worked with the anime Holo no Graffiti (as its character designer) and the source (light novel) of the upcoming Winter 2025 anime I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time (as its illustrator).
The light novel also released a manga adaptation by Tsumumi, who has worked on some anthology chapters for the popular game Genshin Impact. Both the illustrators (light novel and manga) released illustrations, featuring the protagonists, to commemorate the announcement of their series' anime adaptation.
While Welcome to the Outcast's Restaurant light novel series isn't available in English Imprint, it is available to read in English digitally on Tentai Books' website. The manga is also digitally serialized in English by the same publisher.
Welcome to the Outcast's Restaurant synopsis
Welcome to Outcast's Restaurant is a fantasy-gourmet series set in a fantasy world where Dennis, the male protagonist, is exiled from his guild after getting framed by his fellow guildmates. Having high-level skills in cooking, Dennis opened a diner to show people what he was made of.
In the opening days, Dennis meets Atrielle, the female protagonist, who was exiled from a noble's house and forced to become a slave. Together, these two serve customers at a diner where only those people come who are backstabbed or considered useless by their close ones.
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