The eagerly awaited anime series, Where Does the Doomsday Train Go, has recently released an exciting new character video, building anticipation among followers for its impending April debut. The video gives viewers a peek into the world of the anime and introduces one of its central characters, Shizuru Chikura.
Shizuru Chikura is voiced by the talented voice artist Chika Anzai. With its intriguing premise and promising visuals, the much-awaited anime series is sure to engage audiences with its distinctive mix of mystery, suspense, and supernatural elements.
Where Does the Doomsday Train Go releases Shizuru Chikura's character video
The team behind Where Does the Doomsday Train Go gifted fans with a new video introducing the intriguing Shizuru Chikura. She is voiced by Chika Anzai, who is renowned for her extraordinary skill and adaptable performances.
Shizuru Chikura's role is expected to be a highlight of the show. The character video offers an early look at Shizuru's personality, appearance, and part in the story, sparking fans' curiosity to learn more about her mysterious nature.
Release details of the Where Does the Doomsday Train Go anime series
Where Does the Doomsday Train Go is set to make its eagerly awaited debut on April 1. 2024 at AT-X. It will also run on Tokyo MX, KBS Kyoto, Sun TV, and BS11.
The show draws from a widely loved light novel penned by Hiroshi Sakurazaka, renowned for his work on "All You Need Is Kill," which also served as the inspiration for the acclaimed film "Edge of Tomorrow."
Cast and team behind the new anime series
The anime possesses a talented cast and a skilled production crew. Voicing the protagonist Shizuru Chikura is Chika Anzai, and joining her is a diverse group of gifted voice performers who breathe life into the characters. Azumi Waki would be voicing Nadeshiko Hoshi, nicknamed Nadeko.
Erisa Kuon is set to voice Reimi Kuga as Hina Kino voices Akira Shinonome and Chika Anzai plays Shizuru Chikura.
Tsutomu Mizushima would be directing the anime at EMT Squared. Michiko Yokote is overseeing the series scripts, and Asako Nishida is designing the characters and is also serving as the chief animation director.
Final thoughts
The Where Does the Doomsday Train Go anime has fans excited with its character video. Its April premiere is coming up, and viewers look forward to the story and supernatural world.
Talented voice actors, top studios, and a skilled director promise to create an anime that leaves an impact. As the date nears, anticipation grows for the unforgettable journey on the Doomsday Train.