Who Made Me a Princess is a popular Korean web novel that has been adapted into a manga and now an anime series. Fans of the original novel and manga have been eagerly awaiting the release of the Who Made Me a Princess anime adaptation.
The series follows the journey of Athanasia de Alger Obelia, a South Korean girl who reincarnated into the fictional story, The Lovely Princess, as the abandoned princess of the Obelian Empire. Claude de Alger Obelia, the cruel father in the story, brutally killed Athanasia after falsely accusing her of poisoning the adored princess Jennette Margarita.
Athanasia believes she must create an affectionate bond with her new father in order to survive and prevent her awful fate.
Who made me a Princess gets a donghua adaptation
The webtoon series has been serialized on various platforms such as Ridibooks, Kakao Page, Naver Series, Tappytoon, and Tapas since December 20, 2017. There have been 85 episodes in three seasons so far.
The series has a devoted following because to its gorgeous artwork, intriguing story, and endearing characters.
On May 10, 2023, at the IQIYI World Conference, it was officially announced that the series would be getting a donghua (Chinese animation) adaptation in 2024. Additionally, a promotional video was also released. The trailer received positive feedback from fans who were thrilled to see their adorned webtoon come to life.
The donghua adaptation is produced by Coloured Pencil Animations. The director of the donghua is Wang Wei, who has previously worked on other fantasy and romance donghua such as Psychic Princess and The Demonic King Who Chases His Wife.
The series is anticipated to closely follow the webtoon narrative, although it may possibly include some new sequences or make adjustments to suit the series. Fans can expect to see the adorable interactions between Athanasia and Claude, the mysterious background of Lucas, the tragic fate of Jennette, and the romance between Athanasia and her love interest.
Who Made Me a Princess is anticipated to debut in 2024, but the exact date has not yet been announced. For further information and news regarding the donghua adaption, followers may keep an eye on iQIYI's official website or social media profiles.
Final analysis
Who Made Me a Princess is a webtoon series that has captured the hearts of many readers with its charming story and characters. The widely anticipated donghua adaptation will give the webtoon series a fresh perspective as fans will be able to watch their favorite webcomic come to life.
The series is illustrated by Spoon, based on Plutus' webnovel, Who made me a Princess. Plutus has also written Beware of the Brothers and Harley Takes the House. Not much is known about the author as they use a pen name and very less information about them has been disclosed.