The Witch on the Holy Night anime film has released its second teaser, generating fervent excitement since its initial announcement in December 2021. As the highly-anticipated anime adaptation of a Type-Moon visual novel, it seamlessly integrates into the expansive Nasuverse.
Penned by Kinoko Nasu, renowned for his work on Garden of Sinners, Tsukihime, and the Fate Stay/Night series, the narrative promises a captivating journey through magical realms. With ties to the broader Type-Moon universe, also called the Nasuverse, it will be somewhat connected to the Tsukihime series.
Witch on the Holy Night anime film's second trailer revealed
A new snippet for the upcoming Witch on the Holy Night anime film has been released, although a release date hasn't yet been confirmed. The film, created by Ufotable, was first announced in December 2021. This film effort is based on the 2012 visual novel sharing the same name, which is written by Kinoko Nasu and created by Type-Moon.
The visual novel's story is set in the late '80s, and it chronicles the tale of two witches and a boy. It promises a gripping story of intertwining journeys in the sunset of a time. In the new teaser, the second one since the anime film was first announced, fans can see the characters' basic appearances. The trailer also displays Aoko Aozaki's fight skills.
The intriguing art from Hirokazu Koyama and music by Hideyuki Fukasawa elevate the appeal of this visual novel. Its English version, unveiled on Steam, has caught the public's eye, further exciting fans. Voice talents, like Haruka Tomatsu, Kana Hanazawa, and Yuusuke Kobayashi have also contributed to the original visual novel.
Ufotable has a positive reputation with Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. This increases the expectation for the Witch on the Holy Night anime film. The anticipation surrounding the Witch on the Holy Night anime film has been longstanding, dating back to the visual novel's Windows release in 2012.
The visual novel, available for purchase on Steam, has served as a crucial entry point into the expansive world of Type-Moon's Nasuverse.
Interwoven with the larger Tsukihime and Fate universe, the story's connection enhances its appeal. Witch on the Holy Night is hailed as an excellent starting point for fans seeking an introduction to the rich lore of Type-Moon games. Crafted by the visionary Kinoko Nasu, the narrative promises a captivating journey through the magical realms of the Nasuverse.
Final thoughts
Ufotable's creative prowess continues to unfold with projects like Witch on the Holy Night anime film and the anticipated Demon Slayer season 5, a development eagerly awaited by fans.
Additionally, their involvement in the upcoming Genshin Impact anime, announced in 2022, underscores the studio's commitment to delivering high-quality animation across diverse and engaging narratives.