The release date for Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories season 14 was announced on Friday, November 28, 2024. The latest installment of the television anime series will be released on Sunday, January 5, 2025. This news was officially announced by the staff behind the long-running original television anime series, who also confirmed that season 14’s theme would be “greed.”
In addition to the above information, several cast and staff members for Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories season 14 were revealed. It’s unclear as of this article’s writing whether or not these are full cast and staff lists for the upcoming season. It is expected that Crunchyroll will stream the series internationally, as they currently do for the series’ 13 prior seasons.
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories season 14 confirms Japanese release date and time
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories season 14 will air on TV Tokyo in Japan on Sunday, January 5, 2024, at 2:50 am Japanese Standard Time. Japanese streaming information is unconfirmed as of this article’s writing, as is international streaming information. However, as mentioned above, it is expected that Crunchyroll will stream season 14 since all 13 prior installments are available on the platform.
Confirmed cast members for the new season include Kanji Tsuda, Yutaka Shimizu, Ponzu, Takaya Yamaguchi, Yuta Hoshino, Seiyu Yoshida, Tomoko Oishi, Ruri Shiraishi, Yo Koizumi, Riko Momonoi, and Momoko Miyashiro. As mentioned above, it’s unclear whether or not this is the full cast list for the season as of this article’s writing. However, given the anime’s January 2025 release date, this is likely to be the full cast list.
Akira Funada returns from the previous three seasons to direct their fourth in a row at ILCA studios. The series is produced by ILCA in cooperation with ILCASHIPS LEON STUDIO. Additional producers include Takuya Iwasaki and Norio Yamakawa, with scriptwriters including Hiromu Kumamoto, Mitsuhiro Sasaki, Choji Yoshikawa, and Saori Aoki.
Currently announced animators include Kazuma Taketani, jimmy, Naoki Konno, Akayoroshi, Momoka Higurashi, “nishiyama&rie,” Yu Ebihara, Makoto Okada, and Norio Yamakawa. Currently announced storyboarders include Shoma Muto, Choji Yoshikawa, Kazuma Taketani, and Naoki Konno.
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories season 14 serves as the next iteration of the larger series. The original series consisted of anime shorts featuring six-minute horror stories based on Japanese urban legends but set contemporarily. The shorts draw inspiration from kamishibai productions, or illustrated paper theater productions, from the Showa era (December 25, 1926 to January 7, 1989).
The project also inspired a spinoff series titled The World Yamizukan in the Spring 2017 anime broadcast season. Crunchyroll streamed this spinoff, as well as earlier seasons of the mainline anime, as they aired in Japan. A second spinoff titled Ninja Collection premiered in July 2020, also being streamed weekly by Crunchyroll as it aired in Japan. A live-action adaptation of the mainline anime premiered in Japan in September 2020 and was also streamed by Crunchyroll.
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