One Piece: 10 controversies that seem worse online than they are in canon

Some controversies are taken way out of proportion online (Image via Toei Animation)
Some controversies are taken way out of proportion online (Image via Toei Animation)

While there is no doubt that One Piece is one of the most beloved anime in existence, it is also one of the series with the most controversies surrounding it. With so many chapters, movies, characters, and stories, it was inevitable for the franchise to end up angering or setting off fans at some point.

But if one looks at some of the controversies surrounding the series closer, it seems like the only ones bothered by them are the fans. However, most of the complaints and arguments fans have against the series seem like minor inconveniences when watching the show in a critical light.

On this list, we will go through ten of these controversies that seem to be an issue amongst the online One Piece fans only.

Disclaimer: This list reflects the author’s opinion and contains spoilers for One Piece’s manga. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used on this article unless otherwise specified.

Fake deaths and 9 other controversies that do not affect One Piece’s story

1) Momonosuke’s crying

Momonosuke, as seen in the show (Image via Toei Animation)
Momonosuke, as seen in the show (Image via Toei Animation)

One of the main issues One Piece fans have with Momonosuke’s character is his habit of crying when faced with any issue. Fans have called Momo one of the most annoying characters in the series. What most of them do not think about is the fact that Momo is still a little child.

While many fans complain about Momo crying a lot, the characters for the franchise do not seem bothered about it. They may call Momo an idiot and a weakling from time to time, but they are not as angry about his actions as fans have demonstrated to be online.

2) Franky’s post-timeskip design

Franky's new design after One Piece's time skip (Image via Toei Animation)
Franky's new design after One Piece's time skip (Image via Toei Animation)

Franky has been an emblematic member of the Straw Hat crew for a very long time. When he was first introduced to the series, he looked odd, but his appearance still matched the overall aesthetic of the franchise. The problems with his character started right after his post-timeskip design was revealed.

Franky became a completely different person from the one fans grew to love. He changed most of his body parts for machinery that made him an amazing fighter but instead gave him an odd look. Still, while fans complained left and right about his new appearance, One Piece characters rarely ever commented on his new look, acting like it wasn't a big deal at all.

3) Yonko vs Admiral

Luffy facing three Admirals (Image via Toei Animation)
Luffy facing three Admirals (Image via Toei Animation)

Going online to talk about power levels with One Piece fans can often end up in heated arguments over who is superior. If the two characters that a fan seemingly compares happen to be an Emperor and an Admiral, they can expect the argument to become severely toxic.

Fans love to defend their favorite faction when it comes to power levels, always looking for ways to make their opponents look weak. However, none of the Emperors or Admirals seem to act disrespectfully around each other. Both groups acknowledge the power the other has, going as far as to avoid conflicts to prevent meaningless casualties.

4) Fake Deaths

For as long as One Piece has existed, fake deaths have been one of the most recurring tropes the series has made use of. At first, fans loved the inventive and emotional scenes that accompanied the character's fake death. As the series progressed, this trope started to lose its charm, becoming more annoying with each iteration.

The series has become infamous for the large number of fake deaths that have occurred throughout its history. No matter how annoyed fans are about this, the characters inside One Piece seem to be overjoyed every time they find out one of their friends is still alive. Oda will mostly continue to use this trope for as long as the series continues, which will never be a problem for Luffy and his friends.

5) Sabo’s Devil Fruit

Sabo using his powers (Image via Toei Animation)
Sabo using his powers (Image via Toei Animation)

Ace will forever remain as one of One Piece’s most beloved characters. His death has been one of the saddest moments of the series, not only because of the loss of a fan favorite character but also because of the reactions of those who saw him die. After his death, many fans were left wondering if his Devil Fruit would be seen again in the series or if it would be forgotten.

A few years later, Sabo, one of Ace’s surrogate brothers, was given the power of his deceased sibling’s Devil Fruit. This caused many fans to complain about Ace being replaced inside the franchise, stating that Sabo should not have been given that power. Unfortunately for them, not even Luffy thinks that Sabo is trying to take Ace’s place, as he himself encouraged his brother to do so.

6) Kaido and Big Mom’s defeat

One of the biggest and most controversial events in recent years involving the One Piece manga was the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom. The two Emperors fought valiantly against the members of the Worst Generation for many chapters in the manga. Ultimately, they were not powerful enough to defeat the Supernovas, who sent them to rest inside the Land of Wano volcano.

Oda never truly confirmed that the former Yonko was killed by Luffy and his friends, which made several fans think they would somehow return even stronger. This simple theory ended up causing a massive fight between fans who believed Kaido and Big Mom were coming back and those who claimed otherwise.

While the two factions argued on social media, Oda was planning a whole new saga for Luffy and his friends to be a part of. Kaido and Big Mom’s return has not been hinted at once since their defeat, so it is likely that Luffy and his crew have never even thought about this topic in the canon.

7) Yamato not joining the Straw Hats

In one of the most recent chapters of the One Piece manga, it was revealed that Yamato, Kaido’s son and a candidate to become a part of the Straw Hat crew, would not be joining our heroes on their journey. He claimed he wanted to learn more about the world before joining Luffy’s crew, just like Oden did back in the day.

This ignited a series of disappointing complaints from fans who wanted him to climb aboard the Thousand Sunny. Yet, Luffy and the rest of the crew had no problem with Yamato’s decision, even promising to come back for him if he ever changed his mind.

8) Yamato’s gender

Speaking of Yamato, he has been involved in yet another One Piece’s biggest controversies since he first appeared in the franchise. Despite the gender that was assigned to him at birth, Yamato identifies himself as a man. He always refers to himself using male pronouns and asks people to refer to him as a man, like his idol Oden was.

Fans of the series were confused by this fact for quite a while, mostly because Yamato was often referred to as a woman in official merchandise. Regardless, most characters in the series, including Kaido himself, referred to Yamato as a man, showing no problems with his decision.

9) Sanji vs Zoro

Sanji and Zoro arguing like usual (Image via Toei Animation)
Sanji and Zoro arguing like usual (Image via Toei Animation)

Sanji and Zoro are arguably two of the most popular One Piece characters ever, with fanbases that do nothing but grow with each new chapter of the series. The two fanbases often argue with each other, claiming that their favorite character is superior to their rivals’ in all regards. These discussions can often get extremely heated, so most people tend to avoid the topic.

Sanji and Zoro are no strangers to a little bit of friendly bickering. They often argue with each other and try to one-up the other whenever possible. Nonetheless, both pirates respect their power completely and have fought side by side on numerous different occasions. They can sometimes take their rivalry too far, but they still know they are great friends.

10) Shanks’ true motives

For many years, the captain of the Red Hair Pirates, Shanks, has remained one of One Piece's biggest enigmas. His appearances in both the manga and anime have been scarce, and most of his backstory is still being kept a secret. However, he has recently started to act in a very suspicious manner. Many fans are wondering if the lovable Red-Hair Pirate is hiding some secret motives that Luffy is unaware of.

This, in turn, caused a major battle between online fans, with those who defended Shanks on one side and those who suspected him on the other. Meanwhile, Luffy and his friends are not even thinking about Shanks at the moment, preparing for their next adventure instead. Whatever happens with Shanks in the future will be a lot more stress-inducing to fans than to the characters.

Final thoughts

The Red Hair Pirates crew (Image via Toei Animation)
The Red Hair Pirates crew (Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece is a series with billions of fans worldwide and has been a part of their lives for more than two decades. It makes sense for fans of the franchise to be passionate about their favorite series. However, this can sometimes be taken to the extreme, with fans becoming enraged or violent when discussing topics about Oda’s creation.

There is nothing wrong with disliking aspects of a show and discussing them online with friends or the community. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that One Piece is still just a show, so becoming aggressive while talking about it is unnecessary. It is best to just enjoy what Oda has planned for us and prepare for the final arc of this fanatstic series.

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Edited by Priya Majumdar
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