Based on the initial spoilers from reliable leaker Redon, it seems that One Piece 1068 will feature Lucci using a tremendous technique that all readers can certainly remember of.
Having become an elite agent of CP0 along with Kaku, Lucci has been tasked with killing Dr. Vegapunk, the greatest scientist. Forming a trio with Stussy, another CP0 agent, Lucci and Kaku have just arrived on Egghead Island.
According to spoilers, the three CP0 masked agents aren't wasting their time. Bloodthirsty and ruthless as usual, Lucci has already unleashed a devastating attack on one of Vegapunk's six supplementary bodies. Follow this thread to find out more.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to Chapter 1068 and reflects the opinions of the writer
One Piece 1068 marks the return of Rob Lucci's most powerful Rokushiki
Who is Rob Lucci?

Lucci is the strongest agent in CP9 history. He is a sadistic and emotionless assassin who firmly believes that anyone or anything that goes against the World Government's interests must be destroyed.
Within the CP9, Lucci had the best mastery of Rokushiki. He also had the highest Doriki, meaning that his basic physical capabilities were the best in the group. Lucci ate the Cat Cat Model: Leopard Zoan Fruit, which allowed him to transform himself into a human-leopard hybrid, increasing his speed and power.
These abilities allowed Lucci to fight on equal grounds with Luffy, despite the latter using his Gear 2 and Gear 3 transformations. Lucci's strength was even praised by Bartholomew Kuma, one of the Seven Warlords. Kuma was surprised to hear that he lost against Luffy.
After two years of time skip, Lucci came back even stronger than he was before. He and Kaku, his right-hand man, were shown to be prominent members of the CP0, the greatest secret agency of the World Government.
After his past evil deeds, Lucci has come back more powerful than ever. He formed a trio with Kaku, and Stussy, the three agents are now tasked with a dreadful mission: killing Dr. Vegapunk on behalf of the World Government.
The One Piece Vivre Card databook recently revealed that Lucci and Kaku possess Armament and Observation Haki. It's unclear if they learned Haki during the time skip or knew that before already. Certain is that they are rather powerful individuals now, likely at Commander-level.
What is Rokuogan?

World Government agents such as Lucci base their fighting style on Rokushiki, a special martial art that only superhumans can use. Rokushiki consists of six techniques: Soru, Geppo, Kamie, Tekkai, Shigan, and Rankyaku.
However, there is a secret seventh technique that widely surpasses the six primary techniques. So far, Lucci is the only character who has displayed the usage of this ultimate attack, which is called Rokuogan.
To be able to use Rokuogan, the user needs to possess an absolute mastery of all other Rokushiki. The technique is performed by placing both fists in front of the target, focusing on every ounce of strength to unleash a devastating shockwave on the opponent.
The target of Rokuogan will suffer severe internal injuries. The shockwave is similar to that released by an Impact or Reject Dial, but with far superior strength. Even Luffy, whose rubber body is highly resistant to blunt force strikes under normal circumstances, was damaged by this attack.
Using his Devil Fruit power to transform into a leopard-human hybrid, Lucci further enhances the effectiveness of Rokuogan. Wrapping his tail around the target, he can restrain it from escaping. Moreover, using the enlarged fist of the hybrid form, he improves the attack power on a whole different level.
Rokuogan is very similar to the advanced applications of Armament Haki, which involves the user infusing his own Haki into the opponent's body or an object. Both these techniques rely on a close-ranged shockwave to destroy the target from the inside.
Rokuogan is also similar to Fish-Man Karate. This peculiar martial art style uses the manipulation of water to send outward a shockwave fist from the inside, using the opponent's internal fluids to hurt him.
What happened in One Piece 1068?

Based on Redon's spoilers, Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy, along with a Kuma Seraphim and some foot soldiers, have arrived in Egghead. Using the power of the original Kuma's Paw-Paw Fruit, which the Seraphim cyborg replicated, all of them warp inside Vegapunk's laboratory.
As they explore the area, Punk Atlas appears in front of the group. Atlas is one of the six satellite bodies Dr. Vegapunk managed to split his being into. Each of the satellites embodies a particular aspect of Vegapunk's personality.
In Atlas' case, she embodies the human need for violence. She seemed to possess significant strength and durability, as she was barely affected by a punch from Luffy and was able to strike him, sending him slamming into a wall with massive force.
As a result of Atlas' attack, Luffy was also left with some bruises. However, it's likely Luffy was significantly holding back, as he usually does when he skirmishes with someone he is not heavily involved with.
At the sight of CP0 agents, Atlas immediately went on to attack them. Reacting to her charge, Lucci immediately handled the situation. He transformed into his Animal-Human hybrid form and moved in front of Atlast, blitzing her with his speed.
Without even needing to use his tail to hold her in place, Lucci unleashed his Rokuogan on Punk Atlas. The cyborg was instantly beaten, with her face cracked and half of it almost completely destroyed.
Final Thoughts

Before One Piece 1068, the Rokuogan was last featured in the manga in chapter 427. On that issue, Lucci used it against Luffy, certain to defeat him once and for all. However, Luffy's determination allowed him to endure that tremendous hit and strike back at Lucci, taking him down.
Several hundred chapters later, One Piece author Eiichiro Oda decided to bring Rokuogan back to the series. Rob Lucci seems to be coming back stronger than ever.
Before the time skip, Lucci was emphasized to be panting after using Rokuogan, implying that the technique was heavily exhausting for him. In fact, he only used it as a last resort during the fierce battle against Luffy.
Instead, One Piece 1068 featured Lucci using Rokuogan very casually. It was his starting move against the first opponent he was confronted with, and he isn't shown to be panting at all. This clearly implies that Lucci has become several times stronger than he was before.
However, he is not the only one. Luffy has grown immensely stronger than before, as well as Zoro and the other Strawhats. Moreover, following the leaks, Luffy and Lucci met at the end of the chapter.
Hence, One Piece fans are possibly going to witness a direct confrontation between the two, 650 chapters after their iconic fight in the Enies Lobby Arc.