The official release of One Piece chapter 1079 is scheduled for March 26, 2023. While the usual spoiler summary is expected in a few hours, the first leaks of the new installment of the series are already circulating.
Based on the leaks, One Piece 1079 will be a big hit with the community. The chapter will mostly be set in Elbaf, showcasing the outcome of the battle between Red Hair Pirates and Kid Pirates.
The absolute protagonist of the chapter is undoubtedly "Red Hair" Shanks, who inflicted a brutal defeat on Eustass Kid. Moreover, Shanks used one of the signature techniques of Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King, leaving fans in awe. Follow this thread to find out more.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1079. It also reflects the writer's personal views.
One Piece 1079 crowns Shanks as the true heir to Gol D. Roger
The battle between Shanks and Kid was onesided

The Kid Pirates, led by Eustass Kid, came into the New World with the intent of wreaking havoc. However, in the past, they have already suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Red Hair Pirates. Benn Beckman, the second-in-command of the Red Hair Pirates, annihilated Kid and cut off his left arm. This event should have been a lesson for Kid, but his hot-headed attitude led him to make the same mistake twice.
In search of "the man marked by flames", an individual who owns key information regarding the One Piece, Kid and his men arrived on Elbaf, where they met the Red Hair Pirates once again.
Kid's attempt to take revenge proved to be the worst choice he could ever make. Usually very light-hearted, Shanks especially hates rookie pirates who think too highly of themselves. As such, he goes out of his way to personally wreck them.
Another time, Benn Beckman beat Kid and even mutilated him, with the intent of dissuading him from ever challenging them again. However, Kid came back for more, and this time Shanks decided to completely crush him once and for all.
Despite Kid and Killer's strength being massively improved since the days of the battle that cost the former his left arm, they still don't stand a chance against the Red Hair Pirates. Benn Beckman alone is more than a match for Kid, even currently.
Killer, who is the most level-headed member of his crew, understood this very well and tried to warn Kid that, if they challenge the Red Hair Pirates again, this time he could lose more than an arm. Killer's prediction soon proved to be spot-on.
Based on the spoilers, One Piece 1079 will feature the annihilation of the Kid Pirates. Shanks struck Eustass Kid with a powerful Haki-enhanced slash, causing him to immediately lose consciousness.
Following this onesided outcome, Dorry and Brogy destroyed "Victoria Punk," the ship of Kid Pirates, while the crewmembers submitted to Shanks, delivering him copies of their Poneglyph. At the end of the chapter, the narrator's box declared that "The Kid Pirates have been exterminated."
Divine Departure, the signature attack that connects Shanks to Roger

The battle between Shanks and Kid was very quick, immediately causing the latter's defeat. Interestingly enough, Shanks used the same technique that Gol D. Roger, the late Pirate King, used back in the day.
Imbuing his sword with Conqueror's Haki, Roger then swung it horizontally, creating a powerful Haki-enhanced slash called "Divine Departure". One Piece fans witnessed the usage of this technique in the scuffle between Roger and Oden Kozuki.
Roger's Divine Departure was powerful enough to overwhelm Oden, breaking his two-sword defense and sending him flying backwards at great distances. Long after, Shanks used this technique to brutally beat Eustass Kid.
No one was surprised at the outcome of the battle between Red Hair Pirates and Kid Pirates, but One Piece fans likely didn't expect Eiichiro Oda to gift them with such a nice detail that emphasized the connection between Shanks and Roger.
Shanks was Roger's apprentice, meaning that he owes a lot to him. As a mere one-year-old infant, Shanks was found by Roger and Rayleigh in God Valley. Eventually, he became an apprentice to the crew, together with Buggy.
When the Roger Pirates reached Laugh Tale, Shanks didn't go with them but remained with Buggy, who became ill. After Roger returned from Laugh Tale, Shanks asked him something, only to shed tears after the Pirate King's answer.
Some time later, at the sight of Roger's execution in Loguetown, Shanks shed sorrowful tiers, showing the depth of his bond with his former captain. Shanks also inherited Roger's signature straw hat.
Shanks eventually created his own crew and became a Yonko. At one point, he would entrust Roger's hat to Luffy, saying that he reminded him of a younger version of himself and that he sees the future of piracy in him.
The Red Hair Pirates share many parallels with Roger Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates, being sort of a bridge between the past and the future. Starting as an apprentice to Roger, Shanks later became a role model and mentor to Luffy.
They are all connected through the straw hat that Roger left to Shanks, who, in turn, gifted it to Luffy. All their crews feature a second-in-command which is close in strength to the respective captain (Rayleigh to Roger, Benn to Shanks, and Zoro to Luffy) and act as a loyal brother to him.
Many One Piece fans assumed that Roger and Shanks shared a very similar fighting style, based on Haki-enhanced swordsmanship. Indeed, both are mighty masters of the rare Conqueror's Haki, and use a cutlass as their weapon of choice.
A widely shared speculation is that Roger inspired Shanks in the way he fights. One Piece 1079 showcased Shanks using a technique from the first Pirate King's repertoire, further hinting at this theory being far from far-fetched.
Shanks steals the show as one of the top dogs in the series

Shanks is undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in the One Piece series. Not much about him is known, but his charming and mysterious aura makes him unique in the eyes of the fans. Even before his deeds in chapter 1079, whenever Shanks appears, he leaves everyone astonished.
The red-haired pirate is the youngest of the Emperors, yet he seems to be the most influential among them. He commands enough power that his words can immediately end the war at Marineford, with no one, not even the overconfident Blackbeard, stepping up to challenge him.
His true goals and motivations are yet to be revealed. Fans were shocked to see Shanks enter the Holy Land of Mary Geoise and meet the Five Elders. Such mutually respectful terms with the World Government are absolutely uncommon for a pirate.
Shanks recently declared to Benn Beckman, his strongest and most loyal subordinate, his intent to participate in the rush for the One Piece. Throughout the series, Shanks has always been shown to be happy with Luffy's accomplishments, but now they are contenders for the same goal.
Shanks's reputation for strength is immense. He is one of the Four Emperors, as well as one of the few characters who can fight on equal grounds with Dracule Mihawk, the World's Strongest Swordsman.
The ferocious clashes between Shanks and Mihawk became famous throughout the entire Grand Line. Even the mighty Whitebeard acknowledged those fights as legendary battles.
After Shanks lost his left arm to protect Luffy, Mihawk lost interest in fighting him. Still, Shanks maintained enough strength to clash on par with Whitebeard as well as block a magma-enhanced punch from Admiral Akainu.
The rivalry between Shanks and Mihawk is, for all purposes, an analogy to that between Roger and Whitebeard. Like them, Shanks and Mihawk have a friendly relationship outside of combat, getting along despite their opposing personalities.
Even Ryokugyu, a Marine Admiral powerful enough to soundly beat former Warlord Edward Weevil, was scared to fight Shanks. After "Red Hair" released his Conqueror's Haki, Ryokugyu felt himself outmatched. He decided to give up without even attempting to fight back.
Shanks can unleash such a powerful Conqueror's Haki that it allows him to completely overwhelm his foes, preventing them from using Future Sight. This capability earned him the moniker of "The Observation Killer."
Final Thoughts

One Piece will be on a break next week, but fans won't be left feeling deprived. Based on the first leaks, the latest installment of the series will feature the slaughtering of Kid and his men at the hands of the Red Hair Pirates. Moreover, fan-favorite Shanks will be noticeably highlighted.
The outcome of the battle on Elbaf was rather obvious from the start. Kid needed to join his efforts with Trafalgar Law, another prominent member of the Eleven Supernovas, and exploit the advantage in numbers to barely beat Big Mom.
Although a powerful pirate and a member of the Four Emperors, Big Mom is most likely weaker than Shanks, as well as a fighter much less competent than him. As such, Kid never stood a chance against Shanks.
Shanks tried to refrain from using violence and resolve the conflict through diplomacy. He sent a member of his crew to advise Kid that if he handed over his Poneglyphs and left, they wouldn't attack. However, Kid foolishly rejected the proposal and challenged Shanks, marking his demise.
One Piece fans have always considered Shanks the metaphorical bridge connecting Luffy to the first Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. This chapter greatly hyped the connection between Shanks and Roger, leaving readers eager to know more.
Fans have been waiting for 25 years to see Shanks involved in direct combat. One Piece author Eiichiro Oda gifted them with this long-awaited event in the most shocking way, having him use a signature technique of none other than Gol D. Roger.