One Piece is a record-breaking manga that was first serialized on the Weekly Shonen Jump in 1997. Among the distinctive features of the manga, there's the incredible variety of characters that the author, Eiichiro Oda, introduced and developed. The series is divided into two halves; many fans claim that there's a noticeable difference in quality between the first half and the second one.
Due to the longevity of the series, some of the most iconic One Piece characters, such as Shanks, Mihawk and Dragon, were introduced many years ago, but are yet to receive the deserved focus. Fans are yet to know their backstories and see them in action. Until their time comes, fans can enjoy some of the best characters that One Piece introduced in its post time skip arcs.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to Chapter 1054 and reflects the writer's personal views.
The 8 most likeable characters that One Piece introduced in post time skip, ranked
8) Perospero

Charlotte Perospero is Big Mom's eldest son and one of the most prominent members of Big Mom Pirates. He isn't the type to feel regret for his actions, or to express sorrow for other people's sufferings. On the other hand, he is extremely sadistic and enjoys mocking his enemies with his typical verbal tic. Sometimes, Perospero entertains himself by cruelly torturing his victims.
One Piece is perhaps too accommodating towards the good ones, who, one way or another, always manage to get out unscathed even from the most difficult situations. Things didn't go like that when Straw Hats tried to escape Whole Cake Island. Perospero stood in their path and forced one of their friends, Pedro, to sacrifice his life for Straw Hats to run away.
7) Yamato

Born as Kaido's daughter, Yamato developed a sincere admiration for Oden, a samurai who died trying to oppose her father. Because of this, Kaido imprisoned her. During the Onigashima Raid, Yamato allied with Luffy and the others who attacked the island to defeat Kaido and overthrow his domination. Her respect for Oden is so deep that she completely identifies herself with him.
Yamato's desire to be Oden often leads to funny gags. She declared Momonosuke, Oden's son, as her own, as she is the "self-proclaimed Oden Kozuki". Unluckily for her, the kid rejects that with a disgusted face. Misunderstandings and laughs are assured. But Yamato is also a prideful warrior: disapproving of her father's actions, she stood against him with courage.
6) Caesar Clown

Caesar Clown is a mad scientist who used to work for Doflamingo. In the past, he also worked for the World Government, which makes him a former colleague of the famed Doctor Vegapunk. During the Punk Hazard Arc, Caesar tried to oppose the Straw Hats as much as he could, but was overwhelmingly defeated. He ended up being captured and used as a hostage.
Caesar is a psychopatic evil individual who enjoys causing harm to people, even in the most vicious ways. Not only does he not show the slightest regret for his actions, but the mere thought of performing them makes him delighted. At the same time, Caesar has a comical attitude: chapter after chapter, more than a dangerous opponent, he became a running gag due to his silly reactions and weird faces.
5) Fujitora
Issho is a blind swordsman who enlisted in the Marines during the World Military Draft. Known as Admiral Fujitora, he is a virtuous and humble man who decided to blind himself to never see the evilness of the world again. Unlike other Marines such as Admiral Akainu, Fujitora does everything he can to protect civilians, keeping them away from harm and collateral damage.
Due to his strong moral code, Fujitora desires to eliminate all evil, including the corruption that runs deep within the Marines and the World Government. He was very pleased to learn of the disbandment of the Seven Warlords, which he strongly despised. After meeting Luffy, Fujitora really appreciated the former's kindness and thanked him for his actions in the Dressrosa Arc.
4) Oden

Oden was a powerful samurai and influential pirate who sailed with two of the greatest crews ever: the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates. Due to his strength, Oden was a confident and carefree individual who didn't behave according to Wano's strict rules, but preferred to do things his own way, not caring about other people's judgment.
Oden's charismatic figure attracted around him a group of retainers, the Red Scabbards, who deeply admired and respected him. Oden was also a very naive man, who believed that everything could be resolved by acting honorably. For this reason, he accepted Kaido and Orochi's proposals, unknowingly leading to Wano and his own misfortune.
3) King

A member of the almost extinct Lunarian race, King, whose real name is Alber, is Kaido's right-hand man and his strongest and most loyal subordinate. When the two of them escaped Punk Hazard, where the World Government was holding them captive, Kaido noticed Alber's strength, so he recruited him as his second in command and assigned him the name "King".
In the Wano Arc, King showcases his abilities and proves to be one of the toughest antagonists for the Pirate-Samurai Alliance to fight. His fight against Zoro is memorable, seeing the clash between not only two strong warriors, but also two right-hand men who deeply believe in their captain and would do everything possible to make him become the King of Pirates.
2) Katakuri
One of the three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri is Big Mom's second eldest son and her strongest subordinate. His siblings feel enormous admiration for both Katakuri's carefulness towards them and his immense strength. He is an exceptionally powerful fighter who is said to have never lost a single battle.
During his fight against Luffy, Katakuri was impressed by his bravery and developed a sincere respect for him, even openly acknowledging him as his equal. Katakuri has been shown to be a very honorable fighter, who despised his sister's attempt to weaken Luffy with a cheap shot, apologizing to his enemy for what happened and injuring himself to make the fight fair.
He is a genius fighter who everyone admires. While he's a calm and collected man who never loses his temper, at the same time Katakuri has a goofy side that he hides from everyone. When he is alone, he relaxes and reaches a state of bliss by eating donuts, his favorite food, to his heart's content.
1) Senor Pink

Senor Pink was a minor antagonist for Straw Hats during the events of Dressrosa Arc in One Piece. Many years ago, he had a wife, Russian, and a son, Gimlet, but the latter suddenly died and his wife ended up in a vegetative and emotionless state after an accident. Later on, Senor Pink started dressing himself like a baby, because that was the only thing that made Russian smile even in her condition.
His love for Russian was sincere and heartfelt, to the point that, even after her death, he continued to dress himself like a baby to this day. During Dressrosa Arc, Senor Pink's opponent was Franky, but, despite being enemies, the two of them developed respect for each other. At the end of the fight, Franky asked Senor to have a drink with him and tell him about his Russian, should they ever meet again.
While the intensity of some arcs can be questioned, one thing that everyone agrees Eiichiro Oda never fails at is the way he depicts and develops his characters. Even secondary characters can receive wonderful backstories that make them fan-favorites. The clearest example of this is Senor Pink, who, despite his minor role, is widely appreciated as one of the best characters that One Piece introduced post time skip.