In a shocking turn of events, the previous One Piece chapter implied that the Straw Hat Pirates, currently barricaded in Egghead, aim to flee to Elbaf.
First mentioned during the Little Garden Arc, Elbaf was shown hundreds of chapters later, in Big Mom's flashback. The island's surroundings recently hosted the crushing defeat of the Kid Pirates at the hands of Shanks and his allies, Dorry and Brogy, two of the mightiest giants. Impressed by them, Usopp expressed his desire to visit their homeland.
While it was highly anticipated that the Straw Hat Pirates would eventually travel to Elbaf, no one expected this to happen after Egghead. Keep reading to discover the major developments in sight with the crew's long-awaited arrival on the fabled island of the giants.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1091. The list is also subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer.
Events likely to happen in Elbaf, the setting of One Piece's most anticipated arc
1) Loki's appearance

The current prince of Elbaf, Loki, has command over an entire army of giants. Due to their size, which grants them insane physical strength, giants are renowned as the mightiest soldiers. As the leader of such powerful warriors, Loki is bound to be a high-level fighter in his own right.
Aiming to integrate Elbaf's military within the ranks of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom" tried to arrange a marriage between Loki and her daughter Lola, but she ran away before the wedding, throwing away all of her mother's plans.
So far, Loki has only been shown as a silhouette. It's too early to say with certainty, but he gives the impression of a sinister, possibly evil character. Once the Straw Hats reach Elbaf, he may oppose them, playing a villain-like role.
2) Smoker's return

"White Hunter" Smoker is a seasoned Navy officer who follows his personal code of justice. Before the timeskip, he was portrayed as a formidable individual, who brutally beat Luffy several times. As Luffy and Smoker started respecting each other, their bond seemingly resembled Roger and Garp's.
After the timeskip, Smoker became a proficient Armament Haki user and earned himself a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral. However, in Punk Hazard, he lost every major battle he was involved in, taking losses one after another. Thus, his hype dropped drastically.
Smoker and his subordinate, Tashigi, eventually headed to Vegapunk's place with Mocha and the other giant kids. There, they might have been involved with the scientist's gigantification research, which is clearly related to the original giants of Elbaf.
Upon meeting Vegapunk, Smoker may have asked the scientist to grant him an upgrade, such as a cybernetic enhancement or the artificial Awakening of his Smoke-Smoke Fruit, a Logia-class power. On this basis, Smoker may appear on Elbaf to challenge Luffy or to team up with him, like in the past.
3) Usopp finally has some development

Even though the Straw Hats are now a Yonko crew, Usopp has barely improved. Granted, he was never meant to be the strongest fighter, but his recent performances are really mediocre. His narrative focus was also negligible, as, with the only exception of the Dressrosa Arc, he played a minor role
Despite his weak and cowardly nature, Usopp dreams of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea" like his father Yasopp. This is a metaphorical thing, as Usopp is not meant to become godly strong but to overcome his fears. What better place to do that than the homeland of the giants, the world's greatest warriors?
Upon witnessing Dorry and Brogy's fight, Usopp was in awe at their honor and might. He also forged a personal connection with Oimo and Kashii.
The sniper has always dreamed of visiting Elbaf, making the island the perfect environment for him to finally prove his courage.
4) Nico Robin reunites with Saul

Nico Robin's childhood was horrible, as the World Government destroyed Ohara, her homeland, to stop its inhabitants from studying the Void Century. Robin was saved by Jaguar D. Saul, but the latter, frozen alive by his former colleague Kuzan "Aokiji", was thought to be dead.
Whether due to a stroke of luck or Kuzan's mercy, it was recently disclosed that Saul somehow survived the incident. Covered in bandages, as his body was disfigured by burns, he led a group of giants to collect the books that the scholars had saved from destruction. He then went into hiding in Elbaf, where he also carried the precious books.
As Vegapunk told her that Saul survived, Robin, who never forgot the giant's smile and words of support, was overcome with joy. Once the Straw Hats reach Elbaf, an emotional reunion between Robin and Saul is bound to happen.
Saul could show the Ohara scholars' books to the Straw Hats and might reveal something about the Will of D., of which he is one of the few owners. With his burn scars and invaluable knowledge, there's also a chance that Saul is the "man marked by flames", the owner of the latest Road Poneglyph.
5) The Straw Hats find the latest Road Poneglyph

Created centuries ago by the Kozuki Clan, the indestructible Road Poneglyphs are crucial to finding the One Piece. By collecting all four of them, it's possible to locate Laugh Tale, the island where the treasure is hidden. So far, not all of the locations of the Road Poneglyphs have been revealed.
Three of them can be found (in Zou, Whole Cake Island, and Wano), but it's currently unknown where the fourth one lies. Many fans speculate that it is situated in Elbaf, as the country is not affiliated with the World Government. If the last Poneglyph is in Elbaf, Saul certainly knows about it.
Surely, Saul wouldn't mind taking Nico Robin and the others to see it. As the Straw Hats already possess three of the four Road Poneglyphs, Luffy just needs the last one to become the Pirate King. The trip to Elbaf may be the place where he obtains this crucial item.
6) Zoro clashes with Shanks

Should the Red Hair Pirates and the Straw Hats have a scuffle on Elbaf, Benn Beckman and Roronoa Zoro would be the first to back up their captains, as the loyal right-hand men they are. Both are depicted as the closest people to their captains, just like Rayleigh was for Roger.
Ben and Zoro share the same roles and even have similar fighting styles, based on overwhelming Haki. However, Zoro may ask Luffy to let him have a go against Shanks. The green-haired pirate vowed to become the World's Strongest Swordsman, a hard task that requires him to surpass "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk.
Shanks is not only an extraordinary swordsman but also Mihawk's long-established rival and peer. Thus, Zoro might be interested in fighting the "Red Hair," as the challenge would enable him to measure how much he needs to beat Mihawk.
Shanks can enhance his blade with the Advanced Conqueror's Haki, but Zoro is now strong enough to use the same power. Luffy once fought Mihawk, so Zoro facing Shanks would make sense, as one of the many parallels shared by the two mightiest Straw Hats.
7) Big Mom comes back

So far, it is unclear whether Big Mom died or somehow survived. She was able to endure all of Law and Kid's attacks, but, as a result of them, she was pushed into the deep hole created by Law's Puncture Wille. Still conscious, but unable to stop her free fall, she was then struck by the explosion of several bombs.
Not knocked out yet, Big Mom later fell into Wano's underground lava, which, presumably, should have caused her death. However, nothing can be said for certain, as the character clearly defies the usual laws of nature. Furthermore, One Piece author Eiichiro Oda was very ambiguous on the subject.
If Big Mom survives, she may have a final stand in Elbaf, a place she is strongly connected to. Luffy swore to beat her up after doing the same with Kaido, so she might just show up on Elbaf and attack the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, only to end up crushed by him once and for all.
8) Luffy finally meets Shanks

Shanks is Luffy's role model. Luffy decided to become a pirate for no other reason than being fascinated by the "Red Hair" and his crew. Shanks willingly sacrificed his arm to protect Luffy, who at the time was a kid, and later entrusted him with the straw hat he received from Roger.
Luffy and Shanks are yet to meet again. They promised they would come together only when Luffy had become a great pirate. Luffy is now a Yonko, so the time for their reunion might have come, especially as the Straw Hats are headed to Elbaf, just where the Red Hair Pirates were last seen.
Shanks recently said that he wants to search for Blackbeard. Thus, he and Luffy might just have a quick reunion, but, regardless of its length, their meeting would be absolutely unforgettable. Interestingly, Shanks also declared his intent to partake in the race for the One Piece.
To show each other that they are serious contenders for the treasure, Shanks and Luffy might have a brief clash. The showdown would be intense but friendly, as there's no hatred. It could play out as a Davy Back Fight, which would be very fitting for the situation.
In short, what should One Piece fans expect from Elbaf?

With the ties between the legendary homeland of the giants and One Piece's main plot, the Elbaf Arc is likely to be significant with regard to the story's lore. Given the warlike nature that characterizes the island, epic clashes are also expected to take place there.
In evident friendly terms with Shanks, the giants of Elbaf despise Big Mom, who once wreaked havoc in their country. It must also be noted that the Straw Hat Pirates, especially Usopp, are friends with several giants, i.e., Dorry, Broggy, Oimo, Kashii, and Hajrudin.
Established as a fundamental step in the Straw Hats' road to the One Piece treasure, Elbaf may be the frame in which some light on the world's true history is finally shed. Past that line, nothing will be the same, as the final clash with the World Government will become inevitable.