The latest One Piece episode has revealed Stussy, previously known as an emperor of the Underworld, also known as the Queen of the Pleasure District, is actually a spy working against the World Government. She was first introduced during the Whole Cake Island Arc as Big Mom’s guest. As revealed by the most recent episode, she has a significant role to play in the world of One Piece, and the animators did a fantastic job at establishing that.
One Piece is known for its dynamic animation style, which provides an opportunity for experimentation as various directors contribute to the episodes with their distinct creative visions. This might lead to a lack of stylistic consistency across the series, but it only makes those who watch the show every week eager to see what comes next.
The most recent style is great for the anime as it can accommodate a wide range of elements that might not have been possible or even necessary in the Wano arc. Post Wano, the series has undergone a significant transformation and the anime complements it.
One Piece anime’s latest episode gives the spotlight to Stussy
There is a lot that can be said in favor of Toei Animation’s latest style for the One Piece anime. This style allows for a lot of freedom in depicting the extravagances that are integral to Oda’s storytelling, ranging from the rubbery and cartoony Luffy in his Gear 5 form, to the stoic and disciplined Zoro.
In the latest episode, One Piece episode 1104, the animation team outdid themselves. They not only accurately portrayed but also enhanced the many shades of Stussy, who was revealed to be an ally of Vegapunk.
In this episode, where Stussy is reintroduced as an undercover agent who successfully infiltrated the World Government, is a true turning point in her character. Previously depicted as always being cheerful and smiling, the anime effectively portrays her transformation into a devilish figure — revealing her sharp fangs and drawing blood — before reverting to a playful, mischievous, and cunning, but overall uncanny character.
The anime extends her scenes, particularly when she bites Kaku, putting him to sleep. Thereafter, she is depicted as standing upright, licking the blood on her hand, her wings are on display, but her eyes remain hidden in the shadow.

Stussy's eyes have a strange expression when her face is eventually fully revealed, but Oda's artwork has softer features which is consistent with his depiction of attractive women. These additions and modifications are significant because they convey the confused feelings of every character on the battlefield.
Episode 1104 also includes some fan service that is not present in the manga. Considering the widespread depiction of vampires as attractive creatures, and the fact that Stussy seems to possess a vampire-based Devil Fruit, the way she is portrayed is not wholly unjustified. However, the execution, nevertheless, could have been better.
How fans have reacted to Stussy in One Piece episode 1104

The reaction to Stussy’s portrayal in the latest episode of One Piece has received an amazing response among fans. This is reflected in posts flooding social media platforms such as X. It is undeniable that in the midst of everything going on in Egghead Island, from Zoro vs Kaku to Bonney finding out about her father Kuma, Stussy seems to have taken center stage and will continue to do so in the next episode as well.
“Toei cooked with Stussy,” wrote a prominent One Piece fan.
“Stussy looked so good,” wrote another X user.
“ngl stussy was the best part of the ep,” commented another.
However, not everyone is completely happy with the episode:
“They only be cooking for 30sec. I absolutely ******* hate the way toei splits up stuff like the panels with bonney/kuma. Oda made them perfect and they have literally 10x more impact. Toei stretches them for ever man,” wrote a viewer.
Admittedly the episode did not, and would not have been able to do justice to Kaku’s attacks, whose depiction was far grittier in the manga. Even then the fight was, in its own right, exciting to watch despite its brevity.
Some viewers have been confused about Stussy as they look forward to learning more about her powers.
“Like I'm confused this looks clean but I don't get her power is she a vampire devil frute user clone?,” said one user.
“tbh stussy’s devil fruit (?) needs to be explained still,” reads another tweet.
These responses highlight that Toei has done a fantastic job in depicting the character. Stussy’s rise to prominence through this one episode seems justified. This is not just due to her physical representation, but also because of revelations like her being a clone of Buckingham Stussy and the interest surrounding her Devil Fruit.
Related links:
- Why One Piece anime keeps changing the art style
- Oda's inspiration for the One Piece series
- The members of CP0 and where you've seen them before