One Piece Chapter 1032 has officially been released through Shueisha Shonen Jump, and with it, fans are clamoring for what’s next in Wano. Zoro vs King is heating up, and the entirety of Onigashima and the Flower Capital is in danger thanks to Kanjuro’s flame yokai.
In between these two major events, we get some team-ups to look forward to in future chapters. We also see a certain government agency begin making bold moves in the Onigashima raid.
Finally, we get some quick character moments spread throughout the chapter, helping to keep us updated on what everyone’s up to.
Breaking down One Piece Chapter 1032 starring Zoro vs King
One Piece Chapter 1032: Opening pages

One Piece Chapter 1032 opens with its cover page, which this week is a fan request showing Yamato and some black cats making deliveries. There is a pun here that is unfortunately lost on foreigners, the pun being the Japanese delivery company Yamato has two black cats for a logo. A great joke once you know that detail, but sadly somewhat exclusive as a result.
One Piece Chapter 1032 story pages open with Marco and Izo flying through the battlefield, with Marco complaining about carrying the wounded Izo. Izo says he’s worried about the announcement regarding Kazenbo, Kanjuro’s giant flame yokai. Izo is uneasy as he ponders where the enemy could’ve been before, while Marco warns him to be careful.
As they fly through the air, we see Big Mom locked in battle with presumably Kid and Law still. Her pupils seem to be gone in this shot, possibly suggesting she’s experiencing another hunger pang episode or something similar. We then go to the Skull Dome’s front entrance, where Rebellion samurai are blocking Beast Pirate foot soldiers from getting out.
The speech bubbles from the Beast Pirate soldiers here do a great job of showing how dire the situation is. Even if Kazenbo doesn’t make it to the armory, the Skull Dome is still at risk of burning down along with everyone inside it. It’s great to see Kazenbo acting as a real and widespread threat even without accomplishing his primary objective.
One Piece Chapter 1032: Yamato’s mission and unexpected allies…?
One Piece Chapter 1032 then cuts to Yamato and company, as the former races to the armory and the latter are in pursuit for various reasons. Namely, her pursuers are Apoo, X Drake, and Fuga the Drunken Giant. Apoo wants Yamato to join forces with him, X Drake is trying to fight Apoo, and Fuga is chasing his old friend Yamato.
An announcement comes in saying Kazenbo is headed for the basement when we see two figures falling from a higher floor. These two are Robin and Brook, confused about what they landed on as we see CP0 looking down on them from above. CP0 jumps down in pursuit, but as Robin and Brook prepare to fight an ominous silhouette appears behind the government agents.
Kazenbo arrives and falls to the second basement level, swallowing up CP0 in the process. Various pirates in the area comment on Kazenbo’s size and being before Yamato hears via an announcement that it keeps moving downward. While pointing out it can pass through walls, Yamato realizes Kazenbo’s goal is the same as hers: the armory.
Yamato asks Fuga for help before running off to (presumably) the armory. This is all we see of Yamato for One Piece Chapter 1032. Meanwhile, Robin and Brook make an escape while CP0 is busy with Kazenbo’s flames. It’s good to watch Robin escape here, but it’d be nice to see some confrontation with CP0 so we can learn their true goals here.
Grabbing the agents’ attention, Apoo begins taking pictures of CP0’s presence at Wano while teasing them. Pointing out that they must now act on their own with no Doflamingo, Apoo states his intent to sell these pictures to Big News Morgans. An agent tells Apoo not to get in over his head before hitting him with a finger pistol.
X Drake rushes over, prompting the same agent to tell Drake they know exactly who he is. Drake says they can start with their excuses now while the agent retorts inconvenient truths are meant to be erased. Apoo then lands a big hit on the agent before the Finger Pistol intended for Drake can land.
We get some quick banter between Apoo and Drake here with nothing too significant other than Apoo now fully knowing Drake is a marine. The two teaming up and rushing the two CP0 agents ends the first half of One Piece Chapter 1032. Hopefully, this fight is seen on screen and we can get some perspective on CP0’s strength and powers.
One Piece Chapter 1032: Zoro vs King
One Piece Chapter 1032 then takes us back outside the Skull Dome to check up on Zoro vs King. In the establishing shot, we can see Momonosuke still in his dragon form, trying to keep the Skull Dome aloft. This is an important detail to keep in mind, as it’s up to Momonosuke to create Flame Clouds which will replace Kaido’s once Luffy beats Kaido.
One Piece Chapter 1032's Zoro vs King stint opens with King pulling back on his head crest, leading to a hilarious face which is then launched into an attack. It’s a great mirror to the dinosaur physiology gags we've seen thus far in Onigashima.
Zoro dodges the attack, questioning how one can block it since it’s like a laser beam. It’s interesting that Zoro was able to block a combined Yonko attack temporarily, but could do nothing against King’s attack. One Piece Chapter 1032 does seem to be highlighting Zoro's struggle, though, so this could be a deliberate oversight or ignoring.
King says this is how ancient pteranodons hunted before dodging a 360 Pound Phoenix from Zoro. Zoro emphasizes he’s just wasting energy if he can’t figure out how to land a hit before asking King if his flames are pteranodon features as well. King says they’re not, leasing further credence to the theory that King comes from a race of Flame People.
In One Piece Chapter 1032, Zoro launches a Black Rope Dragon Twister but King is able to block every single slash by protecting himself with his wings. Zoro comments that the primordial beast characteristics of the Beast Pirate commanders give them incredible endurance.
King confirms this, but goes further by saying in his specific case there’s something beyond that at play. Again, we get a tease towards King’s biology playing a key role in this fight.
At this point King is fully back into his humanoid form, which prompts him to pull a sword out and begin a duel with Zoro. Zoro monologues for a bit, summating some facts of the fight. King’s wings aren’t ornamental in his humanoid form, his flames aren’t part of his Devil Fruit powers, and he must be a race Zoro has never heard of.
After getting tossed around during this monologue, Zoro concludes he has to find out what race King is if he has any hope of beating him. We can see Zoro progressively more beat up as these panels go by, creating a genuine concern and sense of danger for the reader. Suddenly, the pluck of a shamisen is heard ringing across the battlefield.
One Piece Chapter 1032: Closing pages
One Piece Chapter 1032 begins its wrap-up by showing Zoro’s sword, Enma (former sword of Kozuki Oden), reacting violently to the shamisen. The sword begins drawing on Zoro’s armament haki, in a way fans haven’t seen since Zoro first wielded the blade. It’s worth noting that this is the most violent and forceful reaction we’ve seen out of Enma yet.
One Piece Chapter 1032 then cuts to the treasure repository where Orochi is hiding out safe from the threat of battle. Commenting on the strangeness of a shamisen playing on a battlefield, he realizes it’s coming from the next room. Orochi opens the door, complaining of brightness and questioning if an enemy is present.
A look of shock comes over his face as he begins questioning what he sees. Crawling into the room, he approaches what seems to be Komurasaki (also known as Kozuki Hiyori). Orochi still believes Komurasaki/Hiyori to be dead by Kyoshiro/Denjiro’s hand, which Orochi remembers and laments here.
Beginning One Piece Chapter 1032's final page, Orochi says he’s dreamt of her every night, highlighting a possible genuine affection Orochi had for Komurasaki. Komurasaki responds by saying she’s always by his side, but the word choice here is slightly different than the way 'Hiyori' spoke as Komurasaki.
One Piece Chapter 1032 then ends with Orochi crying, saying he never wants to wake up. More significant is the lack of a break warning here, implying One Piece Chapter 1032 should be followed up next week by Chapter 1033. While unexpected delays can happen, it’s great to see Oda planning on pushing the story along as quickly as possible.
One Piece Chapter 1032: Final thoughts
One Piece Chapter 1032 did a great job of pushing the main plotlines forward while also setting up intrigue for the future. Zoro vs King is heating up with incredibly high stakes. How Zoro will go about discovering King's race causes concern since King won't just 'tell' Zoro.
Another of One Piece Chapter 1032's pressing issues is whether or not that was really Hiyori as Komurasaki in the final pages. Subtle differences in word choice and appearance posit One Piece Chapter 1032's Komurasaki being someone else. The prime suspect is Kozuki Toki, Oden’s wife who ate the Toki Toki fruit allowing users to send themselves and others forwards in time.
Finally, Yamato’s mission and CP0’s presence are some of the most important plotlines from One Piece Chapter 1032. The World Government is making a move on Nico Robin, likely an indication that they sense a new Pirate King on the horizon. If Yamato is unable to stop Kazenbo, however, there won’t be a Nico Robin to capture or a future Pirate King to worry about.