With each day that passes, the hype for One Piece Chapter 1058’s release does nothing but increase. Fans on social media are trying to get their hands on any information concerning the new chapter’s plot and the events that will transpire.
Fortunately for them, leakers on Twitter are always ready to reward patient fans with confirmed spoilers. A few hours ago, new spoilers about the plot of One Piece Chapter 1058 were revealed concerning the Straw Hats’ new bounties and Buggy’s new organization. Continue reading to learn more about the information that was just released.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1058. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used in this article unless otherwise specified.
Sanji is displeased with his and Jinbe’s bounties in One Piece Chapter 1058
After the initial spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1058’s plot came out, fans were ecstatic to learn that the new bounties of the Straw Hat crew would finally be revealed. Sadly, some fans were extremely disappointed after seeing the bounties given to their favorite characters like Sanji.
Fans will be happy to learn that they are not the only ones disappointed by the new bounties. Apparently, the Straw Hat cook will not be happy with the reveal of Jinbe’s bounty being higher than his.
While Sanji will be enraged by this, Jinbe will remain as stoic as ever, not saying anything about the fact that his bounty is bigger than Sanji’s. It is still unknown if any other crew members will comment on their bounties, although it seems extremely likely.
Besides the bounties, not much will change about the Straw Hats’ wanted poster, as it was revealed that their epithets would remain the same. Still, it is important to notice that Franky’s will contain a new photo of the blue-haired man.
Eten’s spoilers also confirm that the chapter will deal with Cross Guild’s backstory. This new organization was created a few chapters ago by Buggy, Crocodile, and Mihawk. They aim to hunt Admirals, the same way the Marines do to pirates.
For the past few days, leaks and spoilers about One Piece Chapter 1058 have been talking almost exclusively about this new organization. Many leakers have revealed information about this group bit by bit, from its founding members to the reality of Buggy’s role as their leader.
This led fans to believe that the new chapter of the manga series would focus mainly on this new organization and its origins. In his post, Eten Boby confirmed that most of One Piece Chapter 1058 would center around Cross Guild’s history. This means that fans will soon learn more about Buggy’s new group and their true intentions.
Final thoughts

While not the most shocking revelations, these spoilers are still significant for fans who want to know more about this upcoming chapter. The chapter will continue to create controversy amongst the community, as even the characters in the manga are appalled by the new bounties they receive.
Sanji may not be the only one angry at the World Government for the lack of bounty they offer for them. The chapter may also give Luffy’s crew a few moments to talk about their new bounties, as it has already been confirmed it will happen with Sanji and Jinbe, although only time will tell.

One Piece Chapter 1058 will also commence the final saga of this iconic and beloved series. This means that the contents inside of it will be of vital importance for the plot of the series moving forward. Fans were already speculating that Cross Guild would play a significant role in the future, which could be confirmed after the release of this upcoming chapter.
Knowing exactly how and why the guild was created will also give fans a lot more insight into the status of One Piece’s world. Oda has been focusing on showing that the world is in chaos right now, a topic that will most likely be of great importance in Cross Guild’s backstory.

The full summary for One Piece Chapter 1058 will not be released for at least a few more hours. However, fans are still extremely excited about the information it will contain.