One Piece chapter 1070: Lucci defeated by Luffy as Kizaru moves towards Egghead and Dr. Vegapunk tries to escape

Luffy and Lucci
Luffy and Lucci's rematch ends (for now) in One Piece Chapter 1070 (Image via Toei Animation)

Unofficial scanlations of One Piece chapter 1070 were made available on Thursday, December 22, bringing with them an exciting issue that features the Straw Hats all but reunited. The chapter also expands on Dr. Vegapunk’s process of synthesizing artificial Devil Fruits, providing fans with valuable information.


One Piece chapter 1070 also sees Luffy established as dominant over the newly-Awakened Lucci, confirming what fans had already assumed to be true. The issue also sees Bonney once again set to confront Dr. Vegapunk over her father, which is possibly what the next chapter will open with.

Follow along as this article fully breaks down One Piece chapter 1070’s unofficial scanlations in their entirety.

One Piece chapter 1070 sees Luffy overpower Lucci as synthetic Devil Fruit lore is discussed

One Piece chapter 1070: Conflict continues


One Piece chapter 1070 opens with a cover story featuring the young MADS science group. Those seen are a young Dr. Vegapunk, Caesar Clown, Vinsmoke Judge, Queen, and a woman who isn’t fully revealed in the photo. This is the first time fans are learning of her existence, as well as the fact that a woman was once in MADS.

The plot of One Piece chapter 1070 then shifts to Luffy racing towards Sentomaru after being injured by Lucci. He apologizes for distracting Sentomaru, but the latter responds that he anticipated it and partially blocked it. Lucci compliments his strength but says he needs Sentomaru out of the picture so they can use the Seraphim for themselves.


Lucci prepares to attack Sentomaru as he says this, but Luffy uses a new move that is unofficially translated as “Gum-Gum Booming White Whip.” The move seems to consist of Luffy kicking out an Armament Haki-coated leg as his body rotates. His body is then pulled towards his leg as he continues rotating, almost like a full-body Gum-Gum UFO.


Meanwhile, Chopper and Jinbe are telling Luffy to hurry up since they have to get to Dr. Vegapunk fast to save Atlas. Luffy, meanwhile, is complaining that he spun too hard and can’t stop. Chopper yells at Luffy as he spins right by them, asking where he’s going, while Egghead Island’s residents all head to the factory for shelter.

One Piece Chapter 1070 then sees the S-Hawk and S-Shark Seraphims engaging run-of-the-mill CP0 agents, winning easily. Kaku and Stussy comment on how the situation of fighting Seraphim is a lose-lose for them logistically, adding in the fact that “it’s even more terrifying when you remember they’re still just children.”


Meanwhile, in the lab stratum, Franky is explaining to Dr. Vegapunk that S-Shark’s Devil Fruit ability must be the Swim-Swim Fruit which his “sworn brother,” Señor Pink has. Franky concludes that since only one person can have a Devil Fruit Power at one time, Pink must be dead.


Dr. Vegapunk explains that Pink is alive as an inmate at Impel Down, leading Franky and the other Straw Hats to realize a copy of Pink’s Fruit was made. Dr. Vegapunk explains that, aside from Caesar Clown's "unacceptable" SMILE Fruit method, Zoan Fruits can only be produced artificially.

Dr. Vegapunk then specifies that with unlimited resources, “even special types of Devil Fruits can be recreated.” What he hasn’t confirmed is whether or not these synthesized Fruits can be Awakened. He then continues, saying he tries his hand at Logias, but they were trickier than expected. There’s no mention of his success with Kizaru’s Fruit here.


One Piece Chapter 1070 then shows Dr. Vegapunk explaining that for Paramecia Types, a blood additive can be synthesized from a Paramecia user’s lineage factor. When this blood is transfused, it will grant the recipient the Devil Fruit’s power. This is the same liquid running through the Seraphim, which Dr. Vegapunk calls “green blood.”

One Piece chapter 1070: Lucci down and reinforcements on the way


The issue then sees S-Snake, the Boa Hancock Seraphim, using the Love-Love Fruit’s powers on various CP0 cannon fodder agents. S-Bear, the Bartholomew Kuma Seraphim, also uses his Devil Fruit powers here. Dr. Vegapunk says the Seraphim is the culmination of his ideas and the peak of what science could accomplish, positing that they’ll go down as the most powerful beings in world history.

The Straw Hats present for his explanation each have unique reactions to this statement, as One Piece chapter 1070 shifts back to the Lucci versus Luffy fight. The island’s residents are asking Sentomaru to retreat with them. Meanwhile, Lucci has removed himself from the wall he was lodged in after Luffy’s last attack, launching a Shave at the still-down Sentomaru.


However, Luffy appears out of nowhere with a face and mouth big enough to eat Lucci, seemingly blocking the Shave in the process. Luffy tries to bite down on the shocked Lucci, but he manages to get out of the way in time. Luffy then takes the debris he just swallowed while gunning for Lucci and spits it out at the CP0 agent, hitting him in mid-air with some pieces of debris.


Lucci counters by punching Luffy into a nearby tube, but the Yonko uses his powers to make the tube stretch. He then uses the tube as a slingshot, launching himself at Lucci with a Gum-Gum Booming White Rocket. The hit is a knockout one for Lucci, who coughs up blood as he complains about losing consciousness.

One Piece chapter 1070 then sees S-Snake guide Chopper and Jinbe, who are carrying Bonney and Atlas, towards an escape rocket. Chopper tells Luffy to hurry up, while Sentomaru tells him that he’s trusting him with Dr. Vegapunk. Luffy promises Sentomaru that he’ll get Dr. Vegapunk off of Egghead, no matter what.


Luffy manages to get inside the rocket just as Bonney wakes up, asking where they are and where Dr. Vegapunk is. She then comes across the “dried-out” form Luffy takes after using Gear 5, asking who it is. Jinbe says it’s Luffy, but explanations can wait until later. The rocket takes the group up to the lab stratum in a matter of minutes, as the island’s defense system goes into total lockdown mode.


One Piece chapter 1070 then shows that Lucci has been bandaged and woken back up, saying that Vegapunk couldn’t have asked for a better bodyguard. Lucci tells Sentomaru that it’s a pity that things worked out this way, while Stussy reminds Lucci that their orders are to wait for the Marines. Lucci counters that if they wait too long, Dr. Vegapunk and the Straw Hats will get away.

Back in the lab stratum, the Straw Hats are questioning why the World Government so desperately wants Dr. Vegapunk dead. Dr. Vegapunk counters by asking if they could rest easy if the world’s greatest intellect might turn against them, adding that it was never his intention to do so. Nami and Usopp agree that it makes sense, as Dr. Vegapunk comments on the serendipity of Luffy’s arrival as a Yonko.


One Piece chapter 1070 then sees Nami’s group of Straw Hats getting excited over the prospect of Dr. Vegapunk boarding their ship. Luffy’s group, meanwhile, is departing from the rocket and getting Atlas the treatment she needs. However, Bonney wakes up and begins wandering off, saying that she’s going to talk to Dr. Vegapunk about turning the real Kuma back to normal, and his refusal means his death.


CP0, meanwhile, has taken command of the Seraphim, commanding that every exit be blocked off. Lucci says that there are six Vegapunks left for them to deal with, including the real one. Kaku counters that the island’s defense system is going to be difficult to deal with, However, Lucci responds that he won’t let a single one of them leave Egghead Island.

One Piece chapter 1070’s final panels show Kizaru learning that the Straw Hats have allied with Dr. Vegapunk. He comments on how it seems like a straightforward escape on paper, but he doesn’t plan to make it easy. Kizaru then reveals his plan to get as many warships as possible to Egghead as the issue comes to an end.


One Piece chapter 1070: In summation


Overall, One Piece chapter 1070 is an entertaining issue that clearly prioritizes moving the Egghead Island arc closer to its conclusion. Within the next few issues, fans will likely see the arc come to an end in grand fashion, especially considering Kizaru is already on his way to Egghead.

One Piece chapter 1070 also practically tells fans that Luffy is superior to Lucci, establishing a hierarchy between the two. Likewise, with Lucci not being a threat to Luffy, fans may instead see the Straw Hat Captain take on Kizaru, while Zoro, Sanji, or Jinbe are left to deal with Lucci and CP0’s top agents.


One Piece chapter 1070 is also notable for reuniting Bonney and Dr. Vegapunk for their showdown. While the issue’s end only showed Bonney heading towards Dr. Vegapunk, fans can expect their conversation to be the main focus of some issue in the near future.

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Edited by Babylona Bora
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