One Piece chapter 1076’s alleged raw scans were released on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, offering an exciting look into the issue’s artwork and events. Fans were excited to see Luffy and Zoro decide to team up with Lucci and Kaku. However, Zoro’s obvious misgivings on the situation may be a hint of what’s to come of this unwilling alliance.
The alleged raw scans of One Piece chapter 1076 also reveal where Dr. Vegapunk is, showing him imprisoned in a secret cell within Egghead Island. The doctor was also seen bloodied and bruised, suggesting he struggled with whoever his captor was. The issue’s final moments are also likely to be the most exciting, given that Shanks and Kid are preparing to fight each other in Elbaf.
While the series is unfortunately going on break next week, fans have been presented with a plethora of exciting and intriguing developments and hints to theorize on during the hiatus. Follow along as this article fully breaks down the alleged One Piece chapter 1076 raw scans.
One Piece Chapter 1076 sees Luffy and Zoro acquiesce to Lucci and Kaku’s request as war breaks out in Elbaf
Raw scans

One Piece chapter 1076 raw scans begin with the cover page for this week's Weekly Shonen Jump issue, featuring Luffy, Chopper, and Dr. Vegapunk in their Egghead Island arc outfits. The chapter itself also has a colored cover page, featuring the Straw Hat crew in various modern day outfits and accessories.
The raw scans then dive into the story content by picking up immediately from where the last issue left off. Kaku appears to be saying something to Luffy regarding his and Lucci’s temporary freedom, which apparently upsets Zoro as a result. Next, S-Hawk is seen charging at the group, using his artificial Dice-Dice Fruit (Daz Bones’ actual Devil Fruit) to turn his leg into a sword and slice at them.
One Piece chapter 1076 raw scans show Zoro instantly making the connection, appearing to be shocked at fighting another Dice-Dice Fruit user following an explosion. Kaku and Lucci seem to further argue for their temporary freedom here, before the next page sees Luffy decide to free them. Zoro appears to warn Luffy about this decision, or at least share his misgivings about the situation.
However, Luffy seems to ignore them, diving right into conversation with an annoyed Rob Lucci as the S-Bear Seraphim prepares an attack. As he launches the attack, Lucci and Kaku are freed from their cuffs, with Luffy and Lucci having activated their Gear Fourth and non-Awakened Hybrid forms, respectively.
The two take out S-Bear while base-form Zoro and base-form Kaku defeat S-Hawk, thereby showing how the One Piece chapter 1076 has shifted perspective. Fans are then taken to a secret prison within Egghead Island, where various Cipher Pol agents from the disappearances mentioned earlier in the arc are seen imprisoned.

In a separate cell from them lies a bloodied and obviously beaten Dr. Vegapunk. While he’s conscious and doesn’t seem to be in any mortal danger from his wounds, he has clearly been assaulted by his captor, given the blood on his face. The raw scans reveal him discussing things with himself before shifting perspective to a bar near the coast of Elbaf Island.
It’s revealed shortly after that Shanks is in the bar drinking with his crew, with a Giant child present seemingly showing adoration for Shanks. One Piece chapter 1076 then sees Shanks speak to some Giants present in the bar, who are revealed to be Dorry, Brogy, Oimo, and Kashi. The former pair were introduced during the Little Garden arc, while the latter two first appeared in the Enies Lobby arc.
Shanks is then seen exiting the bar with his Giant friends and crew in tow, as the issue shifts perspective to the seas around Elbaf. Eustass Kid and his crew are seen fighting ships that are a part of Shanks’ fleet, with Killer seemingly warning Kid about the dangers of facing Shanks. However, the warning appears to fall on deaf ears, with the issue ending on shots of the determined faces of each captain.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.